Samuel L jackson as Saruman actually sounds like the version i would like. The list of cheesy quotes you can use is endless.
Samuel L jackson as Saruman actually sounds like the version i would like. The list of cheesy quotes you can use is endless.
I know jack shit about game development, but having read comments by developers across the web over the past 10 years the main takeaway from any “this game big” complaint seems to be that indeed some part of the game was just badly compromised. I think in regard to call of duty some of the audio files were absolutely…
It’s a shame that that game was so action heavy. It would have been just as great had the focus been entirely on adventuring and only having to resort to killing the odd enemy instead of waves of them.
Those fucking people. Yes a black frost giant is what breaks the immersion. Not the fact that you play a greek fake god who is somehow the father of Loki and is murdering the entire rest of the Norse pantheon? All of that is fine, but a black girl portraying a frost giant is where suddenly historical accurasy becomes…
Gameplay is more borderlands. If you liked the gameplay of BL2 you’ll like 3. But the story. Holy shit i can’t get over how obnoxious 90% of the characters are and how terribly good they are at ruining the story and overall experience.
Main attraction for me to the original was always the story, so i don’t mind that it looks much the same, so long as it progresses the story. But after the steps the original took over the previous games in the series i can see why some people would expect a bit more gameplay wise.
Second that! Thanks to the writer for turning this into a normal article and not one of those hideous slide shows!
This has been the case for quite some time now. Very few games release in the same state as advertisements and early PR wants you to believe.
It all depends on how much of the story he already penned down i think. If nothing about the future was ever written down just leave it as it is i think, but if he already shared the general direction and ending with his apprentices, studio or even written it down maybe finish it.
I think with the risk involved in creating a new story in a “hibernating” franchise, financially speaking, we’ll see more and more devs opt for making a remake of part 1 first to see if its still popular, followed by maybe a full new story later down the line.
I think it’s the fantasy that attracts some people. With drawings theres a lot of room left for your imagination to fill in the blanks or what that person would look like in real life.
As a European i wasn’t aware this was racist anywhere. I’ve only ever seen the term cracker used in relation to sports. A cracker of a season, cracker of a race etc.
You don’t even need to be confident, just look confident. I’ve been faking it all my life!
If millenials wanting to buy “prestige” suddenly means that my old 360 collection is worth 10K instead of $100 i’m all for it.
Yeah, he was covered here in the Netherlands a couple of years ago as well. His dad went on a couple of interviews and didn’t even try to hide the fact that his child being famous was mostly a gateway for them to becoming famous.
I’m a bit let down that it isn’t some sort of performance upgrade. There have been quite a few games that regardless of handheld or docked mode only just manage 30 fps and dip under it quite often. It would have been nice to play the next Zelda game in 60fps or at the least a solid 30fps.
Yeah, I think it’s silly that people expect every major Destiny character to have some sort of epic bigger then life bossfight. Quria in the lore is just a Vex mind that was taken by Oryx. She wasn’t some god of war like entity, just a vex mind, of which we already killed like a handful in earlier strikes, story…
I did the recommended Routine for about 12 months when the gyms closed more then a year ago and thought it worked pretty well.
But no one is forcing you to read datamined stuff. The biggest subreddit doesn’t allow discussion about datamined topics unless the entire post is labeled as datamined. I really don’t run into any datamined stuff that ruins the experience for me even though i spend quite some time on DTG and raidsecrets.
Not out to pick a side, but what on earth are you doing in a post about a game you are looking to play and don’t want spoiled? And why on earth would you go beyond that and also scroll to the comments?