
Don't worry, folks. There's a good chance Barsanti's take on this is just as wrong as his take on, well, everything.

Having seen The French Dispatch already as well, I do have to agree with Dowd that the scene-setting in this movie really is second to none. Anderson and his team are ON POINT.

You could argue that Craig Ferguson burned more brightly for a shorter period, but nobody has done it for as long as well as Conan.

“Great” might be a stretch. As per usual around these parts, this is more an advocacy piece trumpeting an artist ticking off identity and political positions that dovetail with this site’s carefully manicured posture. 

Chinese people seem to be trying their hardest to become the most butthurt people in the world by fussing over tiny things like this.

They remind me of Americans on the internet circa the 00s, during the height of the “War on Terror”. Lots of people trying to find something to be offended about on behalf of their country.

Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s when Reagan was President? I lived them, it wasn’t so bad, however it wasn’t great either, but it was better than the Jimmy Carter days. Also as much as I dislike Activision/Blizzard I do not believe they went political about the game, unlike you in this

If you haven’t seen AD because of Seth MacFarlane, please do. Like this article states, he hasn’t been involved in ages and the absurd episodes are all gems, like “Rabbit Ears" from a couple of years ago.

Forrest’s success is supposed to be satirical, though (even while the movie obviously likes him so you’re not wrong to want him to succeed).

this is the kind of movie I like to see Jude Law in, ones I’m not planning to watch

I respect Olivia Wilde and I accept her comments here. The blame is squarely on Eastwood.

He literally schooled Peter Jackson on what it sounds like when you stab a man to death. That’s like a 50/50 cool/terrifying split.

Stop replying to the asshole at the top of the post. The more you reply, the more likely his comment will stay there.

i really struggled with trying to define blackness—it’s a largely designation given to us, rather than one that comes from our own cultural experience. displacement from africa seems important, but it doesn’t account for every facet of the black experience, including immigrants to other countries from africa. not

That's what makes Bob's Burgers so great- even their "villains" have likeable qualities. Jimmy Pesto is spiteful towards Bob to the point where it loops back to being funny, Mr. Frond is delightfully nervous, and Calvin Fischoeder is just plain ol' weird.

I'm always oblivious of this stuff, was it confirmed that he was an an addict?

Shirley Bennett: They remind me of Sam and Diane. I hated Sam and Diane.
Annie Edison: Who are Sam and Diane?
Shirley Bennett: All right, we get it. You're young.

More than anything, Hot Rod ensured that no one would ever listen to Two of Hearts the same way ever again.