
These records are their passport for their voyage on the LDSS Nauvoo.

And it actually looks like soapy water.  Like it got trapped in there when they washed and detailed it before the show.  Still pretty sloppy and unacceptable.. 

Counterpoint: The Karlmann King appears to be the absolute finest movie car for the antagonist in a near-future dystopian setting I’ve ever seen.

“If I was a racist, would I have so many unpaid black laborers?”

“I can’t be racist, some of my best unpaid laborers are black!”

Arena is probably one of the best episodes of TOS, hands down. It’s goofy sure, but I love how it turns out the Federation were unknowingly the baddies here, and had to respect and understand the consequences of violating the territory of an extremely territorial species. Are the Gorn good guys? Nope, but from their

Counter-counterpoint:  all ranch dressing is disgusting and no one should ever eat it. 

Or, just watch him in Person of Interest (an entirely different kind of role, and charisma, than M’Baku) and cast him in all the fucking things?

Please make the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs more confusing.  It’s enjoyable reading an article where you can’t tell who the fuck is accusing who and who Deadspin is and isn’t identifying and why they are or may not be identifying the person who was but isn’t a SB Nation staffer who you’re protecting the identity of because

I think it’s a good movie, I just don’t think it’s a good Iron Man movie.

We’re gonna need a smaller boat

I’m the proud new parent of a bouncing baby boy. I’m also a longtime fan of a craft beer gastropub in my neighborhood.

This is an important thing to keep in mind should the Knicks ever try to move their little used rotation guard Dave Porzingis.

Speed Racer is literally the best adaptation of any non-film medium to film, and I’m not even being ironic. They took a doofy, choppy, earnest anime obsessed with cars and turned it into a doofy, choppy, earnest movie obsessed with cars. It’s campy and stupid but with so much goddamned heart. 

Funny, I think Speed Racer is way more successful at what it’s attempting than this movie.


Just so damn rad to see Shipp as the Flash. 

Plus The Dark Knight isn’t anywhere near as important to the genre. Sure, it was a big fucking deal despite being actually really bad, but it didn’t impact the genre in the same way that Iron Man did. Plus the DCEU has suffered for trying to be The Dark Knight.

Topper Grace made sense on the basis of Eddie Brock as a dark mirror of Peter Parker as reporter. Similar age, physical type, little guy demeanor. His inherent reedy voiced smarm worked well prior to becoming a CGI people eating monster.

So, they add a moustache to a Superman rather than CG one out.