
Does she not know what having her ass grabbed feels like?

My brother met JDF at a comic-con in Denver. Said he was a really nice guy and took extra time with each person. Seemed to appreciate and understand what he’s able to do and the fans who allow him to do it.

Not surprising. The monarchy is a weird vestigial remnant of the Dark Ages that has no place in modern society.

Ewer mistaken.

Canseco ran through a cycle in ‘88.

There’s a good word to describe an epically long journey across an ancient world that is fraught with hostile beasts and other dangers, and for some reason I just can’t fucking remember it right now.

Bruce Vilanch?

Take out Heath Ledger amd you have a decent mediocre sequel to Batman Begins, which is still the best of the trilogy IMO. People really give that movie a two letter grade bump solely for him.

He really is... all that.

I f’n hate TouchID. It’s always a random drawing to see if it’ll actually work, what angle I need to hold my thumb on, and if my fingers are the slightest bit wet, forget about it.  Can’t wait to move on from my iPhone7.  

Yes, because 2D animation is generally done “on twos,” i.e. at half the frame rate (which would be 12 images per second for film or 15 per second for video), because it’s less work for the animators and takes less time and money. Low-budget 2D animation is sometimes even done “on threes,” 8-10 fps, which is about as

there’s zero chance he hasn’t forced himself on some younger men back in the day.  he’s scared shitless. 

Surely, you must be referring to Dankey Kang.

Actually general awareness would be with his guess “Halo” which completely dwarfs Joust because it’s a franchise spanning over decade plus they slap that shit on everything from Moutain Dew to BMX bikes lol

This could be the whole movie and I’d still be there on opening day.  

*white and Asian people - remember Emma Stone is in this.

I’d also bet that Mr. Allen popped a few of his tendons just flipping the car, but there’s also a good chance there was some air in the car providing buoyancy.

They both have alliterative names.

Soda is just a watered down sugar sauce, no different than bbq or sweet & sour or honey mustard. The real question that needs answering is is she drinking out of that crumb infested cup?