
Yes. This guy gets it. You get it so much that I was compelled to log in through my phone so that I can properly upvote you and respond, telling you how on fucking point you are. Things people outgrow as they mature, I'm going to use that line. Holy shit it's been a rough day and this comment just kind of turned it

"I would scatter the ashes myself, but I took an arrow in the knee."

That one truly harrowing scene - if we're thinking of the same thing, which I imagine we are - was pretty goddamn harrowing, in my opinion. I was not expecting to be as shaken up by it as I was, but jesus, that was rough. Solid movie, though. I'm honestly kind of surprised how little fanfare it's been getting,

Great interview! I wonder what his thoughts are on the The Thing video game.

Also, the movie Stuck which, if you haven't seen you should seek out. Awful, awful story and a great movie.

(Throws cell phone under passing steamroller)

It's co-op although friendly fire is always on so I guess you could kind of pvp? I don't normally play many co-op games but this one is great to play with random players - it's a surprisingly solid and friendly community and when you drop in with a team that works well together it's a really great experience.

Helldivers. Such a blast.

God, I love that movie.

I agree, I had a blast with this movie. Sure, it was dumb but it always seemed in on the joke, except for Redmayne. I don't know what was going on there, but I thought he was awful, and not in a very amusing way.

(Sees Sopranos reference, rushes to log in to contribute to the conversation.)

Helldivers on Vita.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie so I am due for a re-watch. I'm a pretty big fan of the other Altman movies I've seen I guess I'm so close to the book that the movie just really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm usually pretty cool with separating a movie from the source material - unless it's this or

I've just got to say - not to be that guy or anything - but I really hate this movie. I love the book so so much and everything that's great about it is just warped and ruined by the movie. Just the opinion of a random guy on the internet.

I love "Don't Try Suicide". I've always kind of wanted to make a suicide playlist, with "Complicated Life" by the Kinks at the beginning and "Don't Try Suicide" at the end, or the other way around, with like, "Deacon Blues" and maybe "Pseudo Suicide" by Oysterhead in there as well, along with others.

Man, I wish I could get more people to actually watch it.  That fucking dvd cover art kills it.

Man, I wish I could get more people to actually watch it.  That fucking dvd cover art kills it.

You should read The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler.  That is, of course, unless you've already read it, in which case you may want to read it again.