
@mediatone: What specifically did you activate and who did you activate it with?

Random phone poll...

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: The good news is that they aren't connocting people, they're connocting poopie. While there might be some issues in the sewers, overall, we should be fine as a species.

@olternaut: The problem is, Intel would love to buy someone like NVIDIA, (which really would patch all of their weaknesses), but they can't, because the EU and the FTC would be all over them if they did.

Intel has a leg up on the potential for the so-called "super-SoC", with their SSD division. On the other hand, their graphics division is awful.

Will the next version of the nano be waterproof?

@Phatric: If Shane Dawson was charged 10c a video view, his reign of terror might actually come to an end.

@Masai Andrews: The myTouch Slide only has an HVGA screen, less pixels to push.

@mrm: Could be a GSM standard.

@Arken: That's because they didn't implement his solution. Though there really wasn't much that could be helped, people don't want characters in their office suite.

@Rontourage: It's all based on what people are putting in their profiles. Maybe there are some stereotypes that are truer than you would like to believe.

@JawzX2: But, the A-GPS is disabled for third party apps, so GPS locks can take a while to get. Verizon cripples everything they get their hands on (original droid aside).

@chaboud: It's worth avoiding on principle, really.

Meanwhile, there are approximately 50 Droid 2 ads surrounding this article.

@jmetcalf: Not all of them, but most of them, yes. It was filmed during summer term though, where nobody is really there though. In general, it's a very white school.

I just wish UTA would come out with a half decent mobile solution. A WAP site doesn't cut it anymore, guys!

@MDIFILM: My video production-oriented friend was there, apparently there was a RED on the sidelines that got hammered, they were only protecting it with a garbage bag. Also explains the overall lack of camera angles, I don't think very many of the non-crane cameras survived.

@bcassian: Not sure, they had them prefilled in grocery bags in buckets, everyone grabbed a bag. They gave us all about 30 balloons, so they didn't cheap out, either.