
Biggest takeaway from this: Google needs to make a touch-friendly version of Chrome.

@slowurroll: I could easily see Apple spreading this to all of their products, laptops included. That said, it'd be awesome if they didn't have an exclusive license on it for consumer electronics.

How does it do with antenna reception? Unibody iPhone?

@ossuary: Always run in Incognito mode. Or, you can use Iron, a chrome variant with all of the data tracking stuff turned off.

The biggest issue I have with the Vonage App is the way it heats up my phone and uses up battery while running in the background. If they made it use up less, it'd be awesome.

@iamgrady: He's GitEmSteveDave. Lurk moar and you'll see him post.

@battra92: That, or it's a move designed to get you to go up by one as far as models go. People are loyal to car brands, so they'll usually head in to buy a toyota/whatever car they already have their minds set on. Then, they get there, see something they really don't like on the model in their original planned

@joe reader: I saw a segment of Dave Ramsey where he specifically mentions not getting too attached to the item. It really makes a ton of sense, if you're going to buy it anyway, why are they going to give you a discount?

@Monster: In other words: There are pluses and minuses to how both Men and Women buy cars, and the best solution is to bring both along!

@Oedipus: If the results can be duplicated, it's not random.

@minibeardeath: It was harder to do back then, which in turn made it more special.

@Snafu77: The effects of the dispersant and its toxicity are directly related to how diluted it is in the material it resides in. He has a valid point.

@FormallyCasual: Make sure you really try it out before you commit, I'd say it's the worst of the current platforms, excluding Winmo 6.x, which is about to be completely rewritten anyway.

@ipodless: I had that thing, worst phone I've ever owned. Now on an HTC Hero. Not top of the line, but infinitely better than the POS 8330 I had on Verizon.

@Cribbage Left: What a CEO does != what the company as a collective whole does, but they did get their money from company revenues at some point in the line.

@CHARLIEBITME: Considering that the arguments against prop 8 are all based on the cultural, religious, and moral value of marriage, this might be a better way to do it, considering they're mostly looking for the legal benefits.

@phinn: Facebook really is the only app that's really behind, and TBH, the site as a whole's become so awful I hardly even us it anymore.

@Fuzzy Logic: They recently updated it so you can.

@Error601: That, and American Idiot is off by 10 years.