
What's the point of testing this out on a small percentage of users? Hi, we want you to test this feature, it deletes your profile.

@Brak: Twitter App Store? Makes sense.

@sip: No, but if you were to circumvent the efuse, you wouldn't be in any trouble.

What'd also be nice is a law regarding ESN databases in CDMA. Any unlocked phone, any plan, any compatible carrier, unless there's a good reason for a block, such as theft, in which case the carriers can share the database.

@Sidetalker: Last 4 digits of the ssn? Account PIN? There are tons of ways they could do that, the only question is why they'd want to.

I do know that Sprint just got a tab in my Android Market, replacing the downloads tab.

@legodt: Exactly. I get the feeling the pro line might get Blu-ray soon especially, considering how common they are in video editing and mastering.

@Owned Wolf: I've had the same experience between Verizon and Sprint. I've found that Verizon's coverage map is incredibly vague, even though they still have the largest total coverage of any cell provider. Their map basically states "you get it here, and it cuts out here" whereas the other carriers are a bit more

@smithers85: I made the same mistake the other day. Curses!

@CaptainJack: It could also be they've loosened up since then. The beard ban was due to the hippy and beatnik things going on back in the 50s/60s, they didn't want campus to be associated with those cultures, so they banned it, and haven't changed their mind since.

@dangerp: Did you try clearing the cache? Chrome is pretty hardcore when it comes to optimizations like that.

@CaptainJack: They don't kick you off campus, they just heavily discourage them by attempting to deny access to certain things like the testing center (though I hear if you demand the test, they have to give it to you). And there isn't any problem with having caffeine on campus at all, they just don't distribute it

@gemcosta: It's a spoof, and a darned good one at that.

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: Sweet, let me know how they are, I was eyeing that pair myself for my Hero when my discount Vibes die (one of the drivers is already sounding kinda messed up).

How did I miss this? Also, the Wendy's drive thru wouldn't accept them. Believe me, I've tried.

If it's just a bluetooth accessory, why limit it to those awful blackberries? Have someone code up an iOS/Android app for it.

If you don't set high standards, the ISPs will never strive to reach them.

@IceMetalPunk: Marketing. For some reason, people like being told what to like.

Wow, the Twitter client is even worse than I thought if these are the new features. No way to check replies?