Wow. That sucks.
Wow. That sucks.
Allen said he saw the cyclist at the last second, but he was coming too fast.
Since they’re perfectly fine speaking for God, I’m gonna go ahead and jump in and say that he finds this whole thing hilarious, and that zombies are one of his favorite artistic creations. And can people stop being so f-ing lame and mind their own business (though he loves them anyway-just like he loves EVERYONE).
My thoughts exactly. Almost as bad as most current Porsches’ absolutely identical crackles and pops every single time you lift off the throttle!
I know it makes sense given the lack of muffler and all the talk but I didn’t truly believe reviews or reports until I heard one in person. Hype about movies let me down and I figured the same thing for this little beast. The only time I did see one I was at a light with my windows down when the distant BRAAAAAAP…
Ehh... the problem I have with this is the pipe bombs. It certanly seems like they were stocking up for something. Survivalist gun nuts might stock guns and ammo out the wazooo, maybe even the body armor... but pipe bombs?
I disagree with Senator Graham on pretty much all the issues, but out of all the people running for the Republican nomination, he’s always struck me as the most competent, serious, and reasonable candidate (arguably because he’s never been in any of the main-stage debates). Which says a lot about the rest of them.
The motives are sometimes blended for these lone-wolf actors. ISIS and AQ might not directly plan these attacks, but their social media campaigns intentionally try to stir them up.
I guess Doug de Muro did this posts. In any case your forgot to add how this car in person is ugly, it’s disproportionate and somehow the front and the back don’t fit together. This is an Italian Car cannot be forgiven.
It's even better than that: you can get the Focus with a 93HP diesel in Europe.
those aren’t horsepowers, those are kW, get outta here with that electron stuff
Don’t forget ugly as sin!
The thing that is worse about CNN is that they have no clue that they are garbage. The people at Fox very much know what they’re doing and who they are skewed towards. CNN still thinks they really are fair and balanced.
Did your Autocorrect change Veloster to Lobster? Because that's hilarious and makes me wonder what a Hyundai Lobster would be.
The saddest part of Story #1 is how many times I have heard similar stories. Christmas really brings the jerk out of people more than any other holiday, and it is supposed to be about teaching charity and caring for others. All it really does is point out what people aren’t really people at all.
#1, holy hell what a shit-tastic family.
I don’t think anyone who can actually afford a Mercedes buys a CLA. They buy a CLA because they want to look like they can, and that’s literally where the thought process stops.