
In a “single person asking single person on a date” situation, it really makes sense that the initiating party would pay. Because saying “hey want to take me out to dinner” is presumptuous and terrible and any reasonable adult should see that as a red-flag.

I’ve always hated the way COD guns “feel.” The sounds suck, I assume that needs no further explanation. The guns themselves feel like there is nothing to them. You, as the player, are navigating the aiming point around the map, and the gun is merely an animation placed on the bottom of the screen.

A suppressed gun firing subsonic rounds is surprisingly quiet, but definitely does not sound like the “squeak” that most games use. There is a puff/hiss from the muzzle report and you also hear the sound of the action cycling. Shooting sub-sonic .300 Blackout (what the Honey Badger uses) is perfectly comfortable

Probably 80% of my deaths in Dying Light come from trying to search all the dead zombies while in the midst of fighting more zombies. It’s a problem.

There’s a difference between angrily demanding that games have no female characters that are in any way remotely depicted as female but also demanding that games have powerful strong female characters which highlight the power and strength of women, and wondering why the female sniper wouldn’t wear more practical

A Forum Post: “Help! Exhaust too Loud!?”

“Do boobs really help sell these games?” Sadly, the answer is yes. I think Quiet’s outfit/lack there-of in Phantom Pain absolutely highlights that. “Yea, we’ll have a hot female sniper in a bikini and mesh leggings! Oh, what’s that? It’s 2015 and a large portion of the gaming community wishes that developers would


Ugh. This is basically wearing automotive branded jackets, hats, shoes, etc while driving the car of that brand, but turned into a car. It’s like a Cocaine Edition Lamborghini Countach (aren’t they all?). It’s like Ferrari coming out with a “The Ferrari” edition of Ferraris.

The issue here is the same issue that occurs whenever “society” in general has to deal with an issue involving common sense. They fail to think about anything, panic, and take it to an insane extreme. This is because most people are morons.

Can’t tell if this looks more like a CX-3 or if the new Tuscon looks more like a CX-5. Either way, I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Free and/or cheap-enough overnight parking can make all the difference. I think the big factor is knowing that they won’t be ticketed or towed as long as they retrieve the car by a reasonable hour. When the city or private lots start ticketing and towing at 7am on Sunday, people are far more likely to drunk drive home

pretty sure Ford has been advertising/teasing this as something they are working on. They may not be the only ones. It’s a great idea though.

Came here to post this. This is especially true without the “tupperware” (large sideskirts and rear bumper garnish.)

Ugh. I’ve always hated Mustangs and I’m so mad at Ford for making me want a GT350 so very badly.

Holy, sweet merciful crap. Everything about that is terrible. What is happening with the roofline? What the hell is going on with the beltline? Why is the front end so stupid? Say what you will about the Prius, but the previous models were at least a practical shape and I didn’t become physically ill looking at them.

Due to its better acceleration, the Tesla will be traveling faster than the Hellcat when the venture capitalists who are drag racing each other crash into telephone poles. Luckily, the Tesla’s increased speed will be offset by it’s many advanced safety features.

So a 700 horsepower AWD luxury sedan is faster than a 700 horsepower RWD non luxury coupe/sedan.

Right. So everyone is shocked that something with almost 700 horsepower accelerates as fast as something with almost 700 horsepower?

Well played.