
Somewhere, Tim is pressing the button under his desk.

despite near-impossible kicking conditions.

Tell me about it. I was in Montreal for the 10-1 tilt against the Red Wings last night...

“Haha look at this, kids. Barbie Jeep racing. ... Unghhh racist banner, penis costume...”

Mad pooper in a landslide mudslide.

And we might get a sequel! From yesterday:

This is like a GOP voting booth.

Your 10-year-old sounds like a neat kid but, unfortunately, given that you have allowed him to be a Cowboys fan, I have reluctantly alerted Child Protective Services.

The NFL has a demographics problem, just like all major sports. I hate to be on the ‘anti-Millennial’ bandwagon, but the reality is that they don’t consume live sports with the same frequency as earlier generations. Live sports seem unable to attract their attention and they rarely if ever watch complete games. (I

moar like blew darvish amirite

I don’t know.

Dear Cubs fans,

I wish they’d clinched in the throwback unis.

Unless they’re core samples of shit...

They were actually booing his stupid haircut.

12-12, I was falling asleep when the Dodgers tied it, I decided that was as far as I could go.

It’s already tainted due to that fucked-up haircut.

I’m reminded of John Wooden dying at age 99 because he didn’t want to run up the score. Some old guys just have a grace about them.

“You know what would be really great? To spend the night in jail and get jammed up in the legal system. I’m going for it!”..

I could listen to Vin read the phone book. Cheers to Vin.