Plus, the douchebag calls himself “the Edge”. Fuck that whole band in it’s ass.
Plus, the douchebag calls himself “the Edge”. Fuck that whole band in it’s ass.
Bieber, and he wouldn’t regain consciousness...
This Roch native concurs...
mmmmm, gumbo...
By the looks of it, that was the first time a girl ever touched him...
I hear that the meth in Spokane is dank...
And/or blow the bartender...
A nacho island would be superior to dessert...
Hahahahaha. Fuck the Sox!
Scandalously understarred...
My goomah; that mook...she ain’t got the stugozt!
I’m not going to be able to enjoy my gabbagool and mootsadel sangwich now.
It must suck to be Justin Verlander...
Most people have no idea how fast pro sports are. Stand near the glass at a hockey game for a while and then tell me you’d go out and skate with those guys.
Arthur Treacher’s was my jam:
I used to work at a Utah ski lodge as a cook and I both made and consumed so many incredible staff meals. Shift drinks, too...
Yeah, I used to beat my dick senseless to Madonna videos in the 80's and look how I turned out!
Junior rules! Guit-Steel all the way...