
No doubt. I followed Phish and the Dead with one of those babies. criscrossed the amber waves of grain....

Andy Williams!

Johnny Depp was Whitey Bulger in “Black Mass”.  That was a fucking fine as fuck movie!

Yeah, he’s your brother.  Just tell him to fuck off!

White male here, that was literally one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Fuckin’ two tough guys walking away with their tails between their legs.  I wish we all stood up to the fuckin’ cops like that. Fuck the police.

It was too long though...

all the stars in the galaxy...

They fucking blow!

American Meth, not that knockoff Mexican crap!

Try Party Down.  It’s comedic genius. 


Hopefully not Ethan or Joel Coen or Wes Anderson. That would break my spirit.

I live in the Northern Adirondacks a mere 2 hours from Montreal and although I love going to the Canadiens games in the winter, I’m longing for the day I can head back north to a ballpark.

I feel like “You fat piece of shit!” would hurt my feelings...

I was really looking forward to this series, so far it’s been a total letdown .

how about a nose job, too.  fuck that rat-faced assclown.


You were in Cheers from Gary’s Old Town Tavern?

It’s neither.  It’s called “weiner water soup” and it’s an excellent side dish for a hot dog.