
So…the 2008 Democratic primary comes to mind. I was pleased with the outcome but not how ugly the discourse was at the time.

Well for starters he's a terribly insecure bully and narcissist and he'd have the nuclear codes. So that's enough concern me.

God I am so obsessed with Hearthstone right now. I've never played a collectible card game before (besides playing the 2014 Planeswalkers Magic game for maybe an hour or two), and I've somehow managed to spend $100 on Hearthstone already in the week I've been playing it. I blame one of my high school friends who I

DIdn't the Super Star Wars games use continue codes if you wanted to pick up your game later from a certain level? I feel like that's what I remember—sheets of paper filled with these arcane strings of letters and numbers as I ground my way through Super Empire Strikes Back. I also remember the Darth Vader duel at

You know the Nazis had pieces of lens flare that they made the Jews wear.

I really, really liked Hearts in Atlantis.  It works fine as a Dark Tower tie-in, but it doesn't need it, either.  I think the stories just have a lot of heart to them.

I can only really speak to some of my personal favorites, but here goes—

Having gone to college in Holland, Michigan, I concur that the creepy level of friendliness you get from people in that town will indeed provide a great setting for a thriller, or it is to be hoped so.