
I can understand it, though. It's little different than Teddy Boys or hardcore Mohican Exploited Punks, but they've glommed onto a genre that's diffuse as hell.

There are plenty. Enough that you you'll get sick of Stevie saying "This is a song about a Welsh witch." Capitol Theater Passaic is a good one; they're still doing "Hypnotized", and Oklahoma Fairgrounds 1977 is a solid Rumours show. If you can google, you can find them and whereever you get them is likely to have

There's a fairly faithful adaptation of 'The Atrocity Exhibition'.

He was a caesarian.

It's like complaining that Sean Connery doesn't play Bond anymore.

This is one of the touchstones of my personal development, if you will. My folks went to see the movie three times in a week when I was four and drug me along and I've carried it with me ever since, no matter what phase I was going through.

I got to see Neely sing the role live in the nineties. He hit the high notes like it was 1973.

Amen to that. I can understand the vilification of Judas on a surface level, but the man had a job to do. A dirty job, to be sure, but a necessary one.

Someone should shoot a Three Stooges that would convey the intense horror of their lives.

The opening scene of The Godfather. The Wedding Favors.

Scorn is Mick Harris from Napalm Death, and Main is Robert Hampson of Loop. Kevin Martin is the Bug, and Techno-Animal, God, and Ice, et al.

The Beatles, when I was six. My mom's ratty vinyl, in mono American versions. Made me want to jump up and down on the bed.

I know a guy like that, talked about how they started getting good around the black album. He also named his kid Anakin. All kinds of wrong.

When I first saw it, I was crazy stoned. For years I thought the Lady in the Radiator's song was "Jesus Is Good".

I know Swee'pea. Altman's grandson. He's a teacher now.

Is no one going to mention the naked tattooed yakuza at the club? I haven't laughed that hard in ages.

And "bespoke". That one's everywhere I look lately. I think everyone got the same word of the day calendar for Christmas.

No, that's what I thought, but it came out in 2008. I don't know what this one is either.

Dreams are the worst. I dream that I'm smoking like a fiend and cursing myself because of how hard it was to quit and now I've got to go through it all over again.