
This is funny because I was at a horror convention a coupla months ago, and there was a Walking Dead panel, with Dale and T-Dog and Sophia.  Norman Reedus was in the building but for whatever reason didn't want to show up, and the first question was "Where's Daryl?"

This is funny because I was at a horror convention a coupla months ago, and there was a Walking Dead panel, with Dale and T-Dog and Sophia.  Norman Reedus was in the building but for whatever reason didn't want to show up, and the first question was "Where's Daryl?"

That's the problem, isn't it?

That's the problem, isn't it?

Nakadai just keeps killing and killing and killing and . . . Hells Yes.

Nakadai just keeps killing and killing and killing and . . . Hells Yes.

Two thumbs up for A Page of Madness.  Beautiful film.

Two thumbs up for A Page of Madness.  Beautiful film.

And those 72 former virgins are going to talk to each other about you. For eternity.

And those 72 former virgins are going to talk to each other about you. For eternity.

Downtown 81 is good in segments, but the framing is awful.  Just Basquiat witnessing and saying repeatedly how one can never tell what crazy thing he's gonna see next.  But the stuff he sees is mostly worth the effort.

Downtown 81 is good in segments, but the framing is awful.  Just Basquiat witnessing and saying repeatedly how one can never tell what crazy thing he's gonna see next.  But the stuff he sees is mostly worth the effort.

You should see "The Final Programme'.  It's exactly like the books.  Spotty and dated, and not terribly coherent, but a good time nonetheless.  Strong visually, to be sure, with that crazy ass early seventies Hammer vibe.

You should see "The Final Programme'.  It's exactly like the books.  Spotty and dated, and not terribly coherent, but a good time nonetheless.  Strong visually, to be sure, with that crazy ass early seventies Hammer vibe.

Magma has a lot of THE SHIT.

Magma has a lot of THE SHIT.

Coppola himself said it didn't belong.

Coppola himself said it didn't belong.

Circle is the best.  I saw them a few years back and they took the Finnish Heavy metal thing to theatrical extremes with the spikes and leather and what not.  At the climax the bass player was about to decapitate the singer.  This was made all the more absurd by the fact that we were in the back of a crappy bar in

My wife had a Calvin and Hobbes shirt made for me, black with white text.  It says "verbing weirds language".