
The first time I saw it was in High School. I was gloriously stoned, and somehow turned "In Heaven" into "Jesus is Good." Years later, when I saw it again, I could not understand why she wasn't singing the song I remembered.

I remember one of the networks showing a pilot about the denizens of a stripmall. It was a musical, much like 'Cop Rock'.

I have to give the edge to "Anyday" from the album proper (Duane is tearing it up), but the live "Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad?" on the live album owns.

The Styx/REO pile of suck is gonna be around here soon, with .38 Special stinking up the place as an opener.

After I finished watching this, I turned to my girlfriend and told her that they didn't have to make any more of those.

Yes, they did. The bass player.