
And, if you’ll notice, Miller/Kelly scuttled that immediately, because (And here’s the thing to note) the GOP doesn’t compromise. It’s not Wall or DACA for them. And Schumer just gave up the only leverage he had and rolled over for them today ensuring that they won’t have to compromise a goddamned thing or make a

1. Democrat leadership doesn’t have brains, so there’s your first problem. The second is thinking anyone that is focused on deporting the scary brown people care one whit about “costs”. These are the same fucking morons that wanted to build a functionally useless $50B wall. When it comes to kicking out “those people”

The only ones that blinked are Dems. McConnell ain’t voting on shit. Then they’ll be back here in 3 weeks. 3 weeks where the GOP will be able to frame the argument proactively. You will see talking heads all over planting the seeds that if they shutdown again, it’s the Dems that care more about immigrants, that don’t

A promise from McConnell? Go fuck yourself Schumer you waste of fucking oxygen. When are Democrats going to wake the fuck up? This thinking that they are engaging with rational actors that have the best interests of the country in mind is anachronistic and delusional.

Here: I’ll compound it by saying that “The Orville” is better in every conceivable way and Seth McFarlane has a better grip on what it means to be a star trek show than any of the show-runners since TNG.

Now you can get emotional about how I’m wrong.

It’s the circle of nerdrage.

Yeah, socialists like Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes WAY higher than they are today. You not only don’t understand economics, you don’t have a grade school grasp of history either. Pitiful.

But he’s a stable genius that doesn’t make these sorts of mistake oh who ***cking cares he’s a joke and nothing will be done about it.

An infinitely better choice. Those who can’t see the difference are the reason why we are where we are today....fuck those morons.

Instability is not preferable to the status quo. No one would have been happy with more of the same (Hillary), but it would definitely be safer. Getting sick of people pretending that the two choices were equal. If someone offers you a slap in the face or a knee to the kidney, you take the slap in the face.

This is an article about people who think 64kbps Opus sounds worse than 128kbps MP3.

“if you can’t tell the difference between 64kbps and 128kbps, you should probably have your hearing checked”

If you think 128kbps MP3s sound better than 64kbps Opus or AAC encodes, you should probably get your hearing checked.

If your solution, as you stated, is to “buy a new iPhone,” then no, you’re obviously not impacted, and you refuse to understand that that isn’t an option for everyone.

A phone is a novelty item? Jesus you’re an idiot.

And then you realize that this same premise can be applied to just about fucking EVERYTHING you’ve legitimately paid for.

I agree. While I still enjoyed it, Rian Johnson seemed far too concerned with “killing the past” like there was something wrong with the conventions of star wars people had come to love. Last Jedi was a Star Wars movie that hated Star Wars. It was incredibly disappointing to not see Luke engage in a lightsaber fight,

I hated almost nearly everything about it. Whether you liked the movie or not, Rian Johnson has damaged Star Wars far worse that Lucas could ever have. All the charm and wonder of the original trilogy and force awakens was washed away. What’s the point of even being excited for episode VIIII? Everyone’s dead and,

I think this article touches on my biggest problem with the movie. The movie is a commentary on Star Wars movies and not a Star Wars movie.

Honestly, I think it started with my husband (Grade B aficionado) going on a rant. He may or may not have heard about the change on lifehacker first.

So... your argument is that we shouldn’t make laws because people will break them? Do people who make this absurd argument do it intentionally are do they not realize it’s a stupid argument?

You know, as a person who uses both a Mac and PC, I always find my Mac to be the more pleasant experience despite the “walls” you mention. The app ecosystem is a STRONG selling point for me, it’s something that Windows can’t match right now.