
Yeah! Just like those good ol fashioned floppy disks we still have around

I wish I was wrong about this but it’s so they can shave a tiiiny bit more off the thickness of the device. The 3.5mm jack was giving them a minimum thickness that they could otherwise beat and they decided the way to get thinner was to eschew the jack. I don’t feel like the gain is worth it.

I call the sit-down ones “boatercycles.”

Wow, again Niantic punishes people for being better at the game than they expected was possible.

It got me out of the house and walking every day for over a week but then little things started becoming major nuisances. I hit my item cap and ran out of pokeballs because every one I threw got replaced with a healing item. When I tossed those out and tried building back up my stock of pokeballs they got rid of

It’s definitely not that. It’s cuz they’re awful developers. My buddy got his account terminated for Geo tagging just because we played an efficient route too. I always played with him (same level and everything) so I know he definitely never geo tagged and yet he got banned and I didn’t. Niantic just bit off more

Worst developer of the year award definitely goes to Niantic for me. This game has been a nightmare and their communication skills are abysmal.

I do enjoy the game, but I’ve reserved my playing to free time when I’m out and about, which isn’t often. I opened the app for the first time today in about a week, and then I closed it when I only saw a Zubat in my area.

And that’s why I won’t invest any money into this app. Spend money on something and the app deems you a cheater even if you’re playing legit...

Many took to Twitter to scoff at the Reddit thread. Some called it “entitlement.”

Cheaters are always going to accel over those who do not. All they did was ensure the next level of cheaters are going to crack that game open and find out what Niantic is doing to catch them. Also, real world geography is a huge problem. An example where I live there are ten pokestops where only three of them are on

We had a competition with Necrobot to see who could best manage a path to get to level 20 first. Another to see who could be the first to get enough Magikarp to level to a Gyrados. It was fun

because it was marketed like you could.. for a very long time, this is shady AF.

Fucking pedant. Thanks for the info

From my knowledge, even after the Target attack, vendor support servers and update distribution servers have not been part of penetration testing.

Except that this opinion isn't about No Man's Sky

Having just poked through the patent application myself, I’m annoyed that the news outlets aren’t picking up on this. The subject of the patent is “sticking electrical connectors into the ends of existing watch bands via various means.”

Oh, I don’t think they have some super computer somewhere that’s just shredding top-level security at will.

Maybe if we start a gofundme we can earn enough money to buy our politicians back?