
The only people who say and believe that shit are inbred trumpanzees. Guess you outed yourself...probably also believe the left wants open borders too right...oh wait, you guys say “open boarders”. 

Kentucky seems to disprove that theory.

Oh when you say get rid of I thought you meant to actually remove it from the dictionary. At this point I would say I’m nitpicking. I concede!

I borrowed a friends Saab during the summer, couldn’t figure out why my butt only was sweating...and then I knew. 

Well, try those heated seats in the summer accidentally, then you’ll have the raging asshole! BTW as a BMW owner I can say the asshole part comes before the car. 

No it doesn’t at all, you are trying to stop using words in a living language and trying to use the tossing of an entire unused one to support that argument...the fact it’s still a living language is why you can’t do it. 

Lets see you pinpoint it to soda when it happens. Otherwise we have to give up just about everything. 

Which died because people stopped using them unlike here. Thanks for proving my point. 

No, lifting sacks wouldn’t even come close. Congrats you can lift something, now make a bed to the hotel specs. I bet you don’t even make your bed at home to that level. 

Yes, and this isn’t one as shown by it’s current usage everywhere. We’ve gotten rid of entire living languages? Hmm, I don’t believe you.

“Why do I want to scan my own groceries? Why do I want to bag my own groceries?’”

No he didn’t, he said “but nauseous means causing nausea.”

Yes, it happens all the time. Oh we can? Name one that has ever gone back.

The point is IT IS the definition ALREADY so this idea of not having it BE the definition due to misuse is already long gone, you can’t put it back lol!

The point that it IS already a definition due to whatever reason means it’s too late to go back, so no, I didn’t. 

Dictionary says otherwise:

Except their history is to transplant in people from out of the area for certain positions and are known for it...so so much for the locals.

Wow, the history of measles as copy and pasted from your favorite anti vax site. Nothing in there supports your shit argument though. 

Seriously, who bends for a measly $1500 bucks?!

Maybe someone else with a gun will fire him.....we already saw the public hit a breaking point last year or the year before when people started killing cops randomly, it will get worse until they fix shit.