
Meh... this is what happens. We cheer for privacy violations when they are useful to us and then act shocked when those same violators do what they’ve always done to people who we like and/or don’t think deserve it. The rain falls on the good and the bad.

As much as I think it’s important for whistleblowers to speak

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.

No chance this article would exist if was an RNC hack.


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

I’d say the opposite, they need to wrap up the Abrams series and get back to the real stuff. There’s no reason the continuity has to be headache if they have a new crew or setting in a fresh time period, yet the history adds so much to the show.

As idealistically beautiful as your point of view is, it’s just not realistic. Give me a source where I can purchase content almost immediately, have it be Bluray-quality, and have absolutely no digital rights management. Doesn’t exist.

So “publishers” need to get their shit fixed and cater to the buying public, else

I really hope that Zahn brings back Pellaeon with the new Thrawn book. IMHO Zahn’s trilogy was so much better than the rest of the EU books because he created believable Imperials, not the typical “evil for the sake of evil” Imperial. I love Thrawn, but he almost seemed to be TOO competent (but it’s acceptable to me

I think that most (including myself) are the opposite of how you feel, so I'd love to get some context. I'm genuinely curious.

Wouldn’t that have been somethoing?

Fuck Black Lives Matter. They are terrorists.

Oh, you’re one of thoooose. *slow long eyeroll*

Ya know what if its not a warzone, next time thats going down why dont you go do a little dance around the gunfire? And yes riots absolutely do make warzones. GTFO

Yeah, you actually loose a lot of those rights when you scream “I HAVE A LIVE EXPLOSIVE DEVICE.DO NOT APPROACH.” and there are innocent people around. Thus the robot bomb. Its really not that complicated people.

Sleeping gas doesn’t exist.

When civilian criminals are using military strategies/guerrilla warefare....it is perfect for use there.

I don’t know about karma, but it’s not like Gawker was exactly blameless here. They pretty egregiously violated someone’s privacy, and it’s hardly the first time they’ve done so. I mean, fuck Peter Thiel, but Gawker brought this fate down upon their own heads.

Nah, fuck gawker

Did you hear about the “scary” knife I 3D printed? You can cut people up like cheap sushi with it. Boooo....

First the ridiculous article yesterday about the most overpriced home theater system...