I’ll just leave this here. My list of things that haven’t happened this year because of current US Military spending: Invasion of Taiwan, invasion of the rest of Ukraine, the annexation of the South China Sea and the East China sea by China
I’ll just leave this here. My list of things that haven’t happened this year because of current US Military spending: Invasion of Taiwan, invasion of the rest of Ukraine, the annexation of the South China Sea and the East China sea by China
I don’t see how this leftist propaganda fits in a tech news site.
I mean, I don’t like Cruz either. He’s a dumbass, especially when it comes to climate change.
Idk. My friends who are extremely experienced with guns and hunting didn’t think the Ted Cruz thing was article worthy, even though they hate him too.
Well, that’s 30 seconds of my life I’ll never get back.
Seems like Inquisitors would be in the same vein as Asajj Ventress, rogue padawans or Force potentials recruited by the Emperor as his agents, but not given all of the Sith teachings and training. He gives them enough proficiency to get the job done.
‘Sheriff’ may be the wrong word to use; that implies they’re interested in the rule of law, and their ridiculous claims to the south china sea and atrificial island-building suggest otherwise.
I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.
“You probably don’t ride, so you don’t understand the unquenchable urge that riding gives you to act like an entitled dickhead on the road.”
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
To complete the experience you need to watch this!
According to Jesus Diaz, carriers are outdated and pointless!
By all accounts, Israel did a good job in minimizing civilian casualties, given that they were fighting against non-uniformed enemy combatants who were hiding in and firing from hospitals, schools, and other civilian areas.
If Hamas quits firing rockets into Israel then Israel will stop defending themselves. If Hamas would quit firing at Israel from hospitals, schools, and Palestinian homes then those structures wouldn't be targeted. Thousands of missiles have been fired into Israel with no response. I can only imagine what Americans…
I felt Hamilton's Pandora Star series was better than the Night's Dawn Trilogy.
The conspiracy begins...
I'd like to see more kitchen tech.
I think it would have been far more interesting if they had done something based off the books by Eric Nylund (First Strike, The Flood, Fall of Reach). Those Halo books were amazing.