
Because Israel's land is not in dispute to 99% of the people that matter, it's theirs.

I do believe that you're missing the point. Boy isn't used as it's direct dictionary definition despite your attempt to claim that it is. When you see a small child you don't look for sexual characteristic to choose whether it is a boy/girl, you look for color choices, types of clothing, hair length, behavior, ect.

Um okay not sure how one can argue with current definitions from credible sources but...to say I'm not accepting or respectful is rude to me since I clearly demonstrated the correct definition and usage of the words without insult or profanity. I find absolutely nothing wrong with a person living their life as the

If you look up the definition of the word boy the first one is: 'a male child' that is the Webster's definition. Wikipedia describes a boy as: 'a male human before puberty'. That's because male can be used to describe all species of organisms. A chicken can be male but not a man just like a man can be male but not a

While I completely accept and respect the trans community, I don't agree that the terms 'boy' and 'girl' are only used to describe gender. Male and female are used to distinguish sex in all types of animals while the words 'boy,' girl,' 'man,' and 'woman' are used to distinguish sex in humans specifically. A boy is a

This movie has the potential to tie my other favorite movie: The Fifth Element for sheer awesomeness. I sure hope so.

They're dressed in hijabs and are reading for the Qur'an - how could one avoid mentioning Islam when these girls are apparently being required to practicing it?

Uh...what? These terrorists are much more like Christians than Muslims?

You know what? They're Muslim. Fucking deal with that.

You can't have one without the other.

And here's the standard knee jerk irrational response when somebody has nothing real to say. I can set my watch to this. Good job.

No, sweetie. You're so irrational you immediately start screaming about race instead of slowing down and actually reading the words in front of you. Such intellectual weakness is actually sad to witness. Race irrelevant here.

I mean, I'd call a breach of security which endangers American diplomats and intelligence personnel an act of *betrayal*, which is all that's necessary to label someone a "traitor" colloquially. It wasn't clear to me that the OP intended the legal usage of the word. If you know the OP well enough to infer with

If you have security clearance and you abuse it by leaking or revealing secure information, you are guilty of a serious crime. Whatever anyone's personal feelings about that, it is a crime. As such, she must serve a prison sentence until she has repaid her debt to society. Pick a charged label of your choice, but

She's still a traitor.

Good for her, I guess. She's still a traitor, regardless of her confusion or motivations.
Also, so are we as taxpayers going to be paying for her hormone therapy? Because, mreh.

Remember when the IDF collapsed after allowing women in any position?

I know you're a trollio, but we all know the IDF is known for being weak and easy to beat.

Ignoring this trial and only speaking on your comment about what justifies shooting an intruder, the fact that they are intruding justifies it. If someone breaks into my house I can promise you I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later.

Hey, I'm just grateful to see an accurate depiction of what NYC was really like 30+ years ago. Going by Gawker's anti-gentrification articles alone, you'd assume that New York in 1980 was a magical utopia that should have been preserved as it was for all time.