
I did not say they were, I don't believe they are... What I am saying is that Hobby Lobby believes that and that is why they do not wish to cover plan b but still will cover 16 out of 20 medications, right? Are any of the non covered ones prescriptions or OTC?

How often do people need to purchase plan b type pills? How many treatments come in a pack? I am not trolling I really have no idea, regular birth control ("the pill") is still covered, just not what these groups consider "abortions"...

Hobby Lobby is still planning to cover 16 of the 20 FDA approved birth controls, right? This ruling for Hobby Lobby pertains to birth control that they believe is related to abortion, IE the morning after pill...? Or so I thought.

I think Hobby Lobby minimum wage is $14 an hour for full time and $10 for part time.

I apparently know far more about both than you do...

Not sure you understand how taxes work...

No thanks, I'll stick with my zerowater... I dont want someone's idea of good tasting water, I want neutral no taste water like god intended

I really just wish that the Apple mouse would have separate buttons or allow for right and left click at the same time... I love their mouse but can't use it for gaming.

You can also get it on kickass, they just put it up... It's an open copy and does not require a developer account.

Just got back from it, not any large appliances but a few smaller convenience appliances... I do like the idea of growing my own vegetables

I am going to come tomorrow afternoon, I don't need to join an event right? I just want to take a look at the gadgets

I am sure the aliens will love it, nice easy well lit target...

I'll be there, I am looking forward to it!

Does anyone actually prefer having a separate internet search from address bar? I could see early on when there was problems but now it makes no sense to have a separate field.

This seems like an incredibly bad idea... Sudden sound can be very jarring, unless the sound is a slow build up this will be a disaster.

The LaWS laser defense system is already being fitted on a destroyer but that has got only a 2km effective range... The Navy and Air Force had already tested a laser platform that has a 10km effective range for use against small boats and aircraft but it is a few years away.

Rail guns and lasers, but especially lasers... High powered lasers will be the most cost effective solution against these small boats that are usually poorly armored and easily warped and buckled, not to mention the people. I could imagine many worse deaths than being slowly roasted by a laser.

A couple years ago I got to see a live fire demonstration of Trophy and it was incredible... An UCGV was going through a course and RPG shooters would pop up and take fire at it at various times, not one got through. At one point two shooters on either side hit it, Trophy hit both of them from less than 30 yards

I believe I said "in the Western world the benefit is less"...

Male foreskin is difficult to clean in casual washes, in the Western world the benefit is less than a place with limited access to running water. Before I worked for MSF (even though I am a Jew) I was against circumcision but after seeing the amount of disease and bacteria that gets trapped and transmitted by male