
My NAS I believe does not support the plex media server, it is just a 2tb hard drive in a HD enclosure... That is the reason why I prefer the AppleTV2 JB media function, it does not need a server just goes into the directory and plays the media directly.

Yeah, that is what I want to get away from... That is the reason I like the AppleTV2JB, the media function allows me to play any video file off the NAS without a server, computer, device etc. I just download the file directly to the directory and I am done.

My NAS is a 2TB hard drive in a hd enclosure, I know that there are 3rd party app servers that can run (or I think) on it but I have had no luck... But there currently is no server on it, I am relying on the AppleTV to pull the info from the drive and stream it. Obviously Rokubox does not support that but I would be

Yeah you cannot really compare crime in Sweden to the United States... A mostly homogeneous population where violent crime is an anomaly rather than common. As a person born in Europe (Swiss-German) and lived there most of my life and recently became a US citizen I see the huge glaring difference in crime and

It is not redundant at all... I have time warner cable, I have a roku lt and have no cablebox in my bedroom and aside from a few glitches I am able to have all my time warner channels on that roku with a nicer gui. Beats paying close to $8 a month for a new box.

This is a question I asked previously and this post seems as good as any to ask again... I am looking for a replacement for a AppleTV2 JB... Basically I want a device that can stream directly (without a computer like plex or a device like airplay) from a NAS... I had taken a look at the Boxee Box but it has mixed

If Apple did this I would buy only Apple products... I just wish I could afford a Mac Pro.

The Spanish Government paid for it and had control of it through most of the construction up until the 90's. You can argue regional vs federal but it is still the Government.

Great example, we should do things the Spanish way... Now that's a government I could trust. Oh look 30% of the population is unemployed and the rest is being kept alive by Germany but hey at least they have nice trains to go nowhere in.

Wait, what?

Thanks, guess I'll stick with the 38th location!

I can't access the site, could someone tell me the stats for D'Agostino on 38th and 3rd and 35th and 3rd?

Sorry, I was not clear on what I meant by melitta... I did not realize they made any other coffee makers besides these.

I don't know if it's the limited extraction process but I don't seem to get as much caffeine using this method as others... It could be that it's just less coffee overall or it's actually less caffeine per. I agree that the coffee is rich and tasty but I switched to melitta after I felt like I was not getting the kick

Could someone give me a clear answer on whether it is worth it for me to buy a chemex over my melitta? Is it just the filters that make the difference or is it the size and shape of the 'basket' (for lack of a better word)?

When does yours freeze? When in the middle of an activity or if you pause it in tbe middle of a show and come back later?

I am not pretending anything, I honestly don't understand your point? Minorities own firearms, this is not an exclusive domain of white people. The NRA is not for white people only, I am pretty sure they will take anyone's money with gusto. I am also pretty sure that as with money, gun advocates will take anyone's

Could you clarify what you mean? Gun ownership in this country is (according to Gallup and GOA) is currently 44% white, 27% black and 27% non white... Those stats I believe don't include illegal weapons though. That would mean that gun ownership is more prevalent in the so called "minority" community as minority is

Drones should be given increased autonomy for surveillance and rtb... If a link is dropped the drone can continue a pre programmed mission and/or rtb, there are alternative methods GPS as a plan b.