
I appreciate the heads up, though as long as I’m driving the 2 yr old is the one that has to suffer.

Where did she go to school, on Mars?

I’m curious if Iraq will jump on this opportunity. I believe they are not a member of OPEC and have refused to follow OPEC’s production recommendations in the past. I also recently heard that ISIS is no longer in control of any of Iraq’s oil wells, so that could help prices too.

I want to know how the kid found that much open road on I-95. That’s the real mystery in this story.

BMW’s M2 starts at $51,700. What’re we thinking - higher or lower?

Same thought here. Figured I’d found something that would keep the wife happy, four doors, and me happy, lots of fun driving, but alas seems it wasn’t meant to be, yet.

When you’ve waited the alleged two additional months, what’s a few hours when you’ve got a smart phone and make millions of dollars?

It literally does not mean that. I don’t have the crayons nor time to craft a suitably dumbed-down analogy that you will comprehend, so I’ll just leave the fact that “it literally does not mean that: stand for itself.

The business associate’s lack of having a written contract does not mean it is not a business associate. It just means it is breaking more than one rule.

Here let me fix your reply to an honest and accurate one.

Again from HHS.

You completely missed the point. The headlights can illuminate something a human can see that the radar system won’t see because the receptors for the different systems are in different locations. That’s a fact of physics.

Then that could make for a rather different sight picture between the driver and the radar system. Thanks for saving me the trouble of google searching the radar placement in Tesla vehicles.

The radar pulses go out in an expanding cone, like headlights. So if you can see it with high beams, you can see it with radar.

Quoting from HHS directly,

In an article about surviving shark attacks dying on the drive to beach just seems silly.

That shark bite scar is just a sign to other sharks that you tasted good enough to save for future meals. Don’t go to Australia!

Then we need to start playing Katy Perry music to force them to dance awkwardly while we run away.

Don’t go in the water. No more shark attack problems.

NSFW files or web sites: Getting caught with anything that’s clearly NSFW on company equipment will all but guarantee being reprimanded and/or being monitored.