
There is no way that buying furniture with credit card debt in any way could ever put you financially ahead.

statistically they never pay extra. Nothing to make a difference, anyway.

Thin your paints. Also watch lots of youtube video tutorials. GW puts out some nice ones and if you avoid the neck beard ones you can learn a lot without wanting to mute the audio.

Percentages and lines of code are metrics used by people who have no idea how software is developed

(Yes, I’m assuming she’ll walk the walk instead of just talk the talk once elected.)

“[Cybersecurity is] one of the most important challenges the next president is going to face because...” I’ll insist on keeping classified information on unclassified and unsecured information systems. - Clinton, probably.

Dear Mayor’s Office,

I believe I pulled that from wiktionary. Urban Dictionary also has a similar, though less nuanced, definition, “A clumsy loser who is incapable of doing normal human tasks.”

Considering how poorly, read as complete failures, the USAF has been doing on their nuclear missile review tests this isn’t as much a concern as people want you to think it is. The people that actually fire the missiles have to cheat on their tests in order to pass so the USA has problems all over the nuclear missile

Old timey? Yes. Racist slang term? No. In the 20s it became a term for someone that apparently wasn’t smarter than a cup of coffee, or was used as a reference for men’s junk.

Jamoke - Appearing at the end of the 19th century as a blend of java +‎ mocha, by the 1920s it became slang for someone who lacked mental abilities beyond that of a cup of coffee, probably influenced by moke. In the 1960s it also began to be used as slang for male genitalia.

In the words of a great man, “Just fucking get over it.” You don’t have the right to not be offended, so stop bitching like a spoiled child every time you hear something that hurts your feelings.

Die a hero or live long enough to become a villian, or something like that.

So who pointed out the original image looked like a person spreading open a disembodied vagina?

In other news, Bottle Rockets are nothing compared to the Falcon-9 Heavy.

I didn’t know 301 was scheduled for work. Thanks for the heads up.

Someone who pretends to knows more than you but you’re upset about it?

I was also surprised by the repair time table for that toll dodging route. Must have been planned by some new hire that hadn’t read the “fuck the commuter” orientation manual.

And I’m original creator of the M1911. I’m his consciousness downloaded to a tape operated server farm that has recently connected to the internet.

DelDOT seems to embody the concept of, “fuck you I’m ‘working’ here.” They’ll shutdown entire, major, roads to do work instead of just closing one lane. Also the insane amount of NJ drivers, or those going to NJ for vacation, that constantly don’t know their exit is coming up sucks too.