If you live close enough to a state like Delaware, you can have tax free shopping every weekend.
If you live close enough to a state like Delaware, you can have tax free shopping every weekend.
Probably not since you had to be instructed about the significance of a single action pistol. I think shooting might be too much for you. You should stick to collecting. You know, like old rich people and fast cars. They own a lot of them but don’t really know much about them.
Thank you for the education.
Thanks for the info.
Congrats you’ve now been informed about something you own 21 of.
Tell us how free speech has directly inflicted mortal physical wounds.
I know the time it takes to rack a round. I know the time it takes to flick off the safety on most handguns. Someone was talking about having a physical trigger block in place because some guns don’t have the typical safety switch. I was curious as to the time on removing one of those vs racking a round.
If I say the same thing in New Jersey and I’d be behind bars for 10 years for having an “assault rifle.”
Not only that but my pistol for instance has a hammer block safety.
You do realize a single action 1911 with the hammer down and round chambered cannot fire the bullet. Pulling the trigger does not cock the hammer.
Once again gun ownership should be at least as regulated as the privilege of driving, and gun designs with safety in mind like cars do.
He could have had a hammer fired pistol like a 1911 or similar while cocked and safety off. Those triggers are much more likely to go off in a situation like that.
there are quite a few morons out there that leave a pistol with the safety off and a round chambered.
The narrative gun nuts would have you believe is that most owners are responsible whereas most owners are actually this guy.
Work on your tense before you try to call me out for poor comprehension you illiterate, chickenshit dumbass.
You’re not calling people out, oh noble warrior, you’re LASHING out. Big fucking difference.
your perspective is a bit flawed if you’re going by the blog of that nerd from the Mother Jones article.
I can only speak for the Smith and Wesson M&P but it can definitely be had with a manual slide lock.
With all that service under your belt you should probably let it slide when someone disagrees with you or calls you a name.