
i truly dislike 2 parts of this ban no matter what people say and those are: 1. banning a pre-alpha build of an incomplete game seems a bit much as it will eventually be more like metal gear. hitting it this early seems a bit reidiculuos to me when it has characters (that are not the PC) that its players can connect

while the game does go beyond certain boundaries i would like to say it is not softcore porn. this game has 2 specific things about it that are important to note: 1. it is not a full game and if you look at the future plans for this game it pretty much emulates a japenese game that would rate M here but less so. 2.

i wish not rain on your opinion here but i would like to point this out. this is a matter of principal not the perversion or violence of things. if in fallout i can kill a person and talk all their stuff (including clothes down to their underwear) and blow body parts off average people what makes doing so in this game