
There should be a tip that, "no matter how good you are, there is a good chance you will not be able to support yourself with photography."

Is the complaint that they are objectifying women, or who they're doing it? I don't deny that hollywoody has a "sex sells" mentality in marketing, but I think the poses in the images has more to do with the genre than anything else. Hailey Berry doesn't stick out her ass on the cover of Monster's Ball, or Sharon

The animals ate the pineapple because they just lost all their money, are now broke, and the pineapple will probably be the last meal they have for some time.

I will probably watch this show as quick as possible, but I can't bring myself to call out sick to watch a show that I can watch on demand. What's the point of having it available whenever you want if you are going to adjust your schedule around a show?

So sales aren't as strong as it was believed yesterday, and updates aren't necessarily going to be as likely as thought yesterday.

He haggled down from $2B to $1B like a tourist haggles a street vendor from $20 to $10. A fake inflated price lowered to another price, which is probably still more than it was worth.

I think it would take more to get HTC or Samsung to really go gung-ho for Windows Phones. First, the Nokia deal probably doesn't sit much better with other OEMs as the Motorola/Google deal did.

Giz had (from what I've seen), the most glowing review of the Lumia, most others weren't so kind. Also, I know "looks" are subjective, but I really think this is one ugly phone, I know Giz liked it, but its probably hit or miss with others (and the Best Buy by me had the black one on display, which looks worse IMO).

If they made a movie about a family member, I don't care how honest, or complimentary the film was, there's no way I'd appreciate them casting Aston Kutcher.

Well, the CVS by me still has a ten pack of floppy disks for sale if anybody is interested in taking up this offer.

"If you're on Sprint and you hate iPhones, this is your next handset"

In that case, I'd say all the N64 games were bad. Even with the 64 bit graphics being high for the time, personally, I felt the games all looked blocked, and generally worse than the 32 bit CD systems.

I had max Galactic Readiness rating, then my Gold membership ran out. As I kept playing single player, I noticed my rating slowly dropped. Does the readiness bonus from multiplayer "wear off?"

Sprint does charge the fee, but I can honestly say I don't think I've ever paid it. Either the sales guy tells me he'll waive the fee if I buy a charger (which until recently was necessary anyway since they used to all have their own plugs) and the fee would never show up, or the guy would tell me he'd waive the fee,

Actually sounds fun, though by the time they belt you up, and explain how to slow down so you don't crash into the other end, you probably aren't actually saving much time.

Didn't the "Behind the Music" episode call them a family from Kentucky or something? Then again, they also drove to NYC without needed to stop at a hotel, and also...

Exactly, I always found it funny that they were considered smalled next to Capitol City, how big must that city be.

Maybe they bought a Hummer to compensate, but a Suburban was always the "I should really buy a minivan but I don't want a minivan" type of SUV.

I'm not upset with the penis compensator joke, I'm just upset with the logic. If you had to compensate for your penis, wouldn't you get the trendiest phone (iPhone)?

After season 1, I read all the books in pretty short order, so some of my memory is muddled up in "what happened in which book" but it does seem like this season is straying farther from the book than season 1 did.