
I didn't even really mind the vagueness to the ending, what bothers me is the complete lack of an ending for the other characters.

I think I learned about the Titanic because it was referenced in some cartoon I saw as a child, long before the movie came out, definitely never learned about it in school.

Not intended to be a dig at the iPhone, just that I can see why somebody might opt for a case even though the phone has a neat design. "Negate" probably isn't the best word. What I meant is that the design of the phone may be overshadowed by one's need to be able to tell which phone is theirs.

I really don't mind iPhone cases, the iPhone's "beauty" is basically negated by its ubiquity.

I just finished the game, and I didn't care for the ending, but not to the extent the internet hated it.

ahh thanks, I didn't even see that one, only the other liquers chart.

No Triple Sec? That's in everything. Or is that not counted?

For what its worth, Brin looks a lot less awkward than Scoble does. So Google glasses aren't as bad as the "red hair, white scruff" look.

Dropbox said today that the bug is only in iOS for their app, not for android.

Maybe the photos I've seen don't do the phone justice, but I think that is one ugly as hell phone (okay, I think the back looks nice, but the front is disgusting). And the light blue just exaggerates the bezel, making it seem even larger than it would with a darker color.

Its nice to read an article about Sprint's data that doesn't just assume that Sprint is about to end unlimited data. It may happen one day, but it seems every site feels its a foregone conclusion that day is any day now.

I think asking if the show can continue to succeed without a central character to a broader audience now that Ned is gone is a valid question. Obviously the books do fine (though I was about 80% through the fifth book before I said "eff it, I guess there isn't a central character anymore).

I have friends who insist on using Evite, because they don't want it showing up on Facebook if all their friends aren't invited, and with Evite, they don't need to worry about their privacy settings.

I agree with a bunch, but I think Google got too much crap for the SPYW results. Twitter complained that they were getting bumped, but if you searched with the SPYW off, or on Bing and other search engines, Twitter wasn't all that high up the results list.

Does it matter at what point you play the multi-player? I just got the game, I'm maybe an hour in. I don't normally pay for Gold membership, but I have a free month which is ending soon.

I've been around plenty, but I'll give you that. I've not been to all the pizza places in both states. But I still state that (when ignoring all Dominos, Papa Johns, Famiglia's) that you have a better shot at getting good pizza in NJ.

Impossible, NJ pizza being better than NY Pizza isn't news. NY Pizza is good and all, but seriously, it doesn't hold a candle to NJ. I blame the "order by the slice" culture that NYC demands, need to order the pizza as a whole pie

Impossible, NJ pizza being better than NY Pizza isn't news. NY Pizza is good and all, but seriously, it doesn't hold a candle to NJ. I blame the "order by the slice" culture that NYC demands, need to order the pizza as a whole pie.

I thought I read somewhere that the water thing was a sham, that for bagels, its how the business treats the dough. Something about due to the lack of space in NYC, you have to make the dough the night before, and that has something to do with it.

Until I expanded the photos, I couldn't see what the big deal was.