
My parents were giving a set for their wedding in 1975, needless to say, by the time I was in High School, they weren't very up to date (luckily, my school was poor so my encyclopedias were more recent that the libraries).

Exactly, even if the reviewer is completely not biased, a lot about a game's enjoyment is subjective. Maybe you like long cut scenes, or "breaks in the action", but the reviewer doesn't.

I was 12 when this episode aired, around the same time I was at a Yankees game where Steve Sax hit a foul ball that got me on TV, that, and being on the Simpsons were enough to make me love Steve Sax, even as a Mets fan.

If a game is 100 hours because its long, that's one thing, if its 100 hours because its incredibly hard, that's another.

If people are so busy, they have better things to worry about than if somebody near them is talking on the phone.

In Germany's defense, they really, really, really, wants to change what its known for.

My point is, the highlights you make towards the end of the semester will still be there when you sell the book back, right? I sold my books right after my finals when I was in college.

If it takes 5 months to disappear, wouldn't there still be marks in the book from the end of the semester?

In order they go:

I'm not sure Tron:Legacy makes the list of top 20 Tron movies.

I don't care about the thickness so much, but that is just one ugly phone, with Symbian, and an unnecessary amount of megapixels.

If you want the iPad 2, just wait for the iPad 3, not for the refurbs of the iPad 3, but if things happen the same way as last year, the iPad2s will be around $300 when the new model drops. A week and a half will save you another $150

At first, I thought this was an article about how men couldn't guess the exact weight of their girlfriends (like 120 vs 140 lbs instead of fit or overweight), and all I could think of was "what kind of idiot agrees to try and guess his girlfriends weight?

Personally, I don't think the examples used were the best for a stylus, but it does show that one can be usefull. I think people think of a stylus as something needed to interact with the screen like the old Palm Centro. Showing the phone is a modern touchscreen with additional stylus support helps.

It's not a bad ad, the Note needs to do two things:

Nice PCU reference! Underrated movie. Amazing thing about it is, apparantly Jeremy Piven actually became less bald after film that movie.

If you are using two platforms, I think 8 phones is fine, but just, for the whole year, not one day. Basically, you can have a high-end and mid-range phone for both, and half a year later if the specs aren't top notch anymore, release a new top tier phone. Maybe throw one in with a keyboard for good measure.

I think the secret involves crow hopping before launching the baby into the air, you get more distance that way.

Is the last photo a picture of Pac-Man flipping the camera off?

But he suggests that you do remember the Muppet commercial, so he shouldn't consider it a failure then.