
Eh, good luck with this. I don't get the point of a website sticking to a TV type schedule when availability is one of the many things the internet has over television, but this might end up being interesting.

"Hey guys, remember that thing I did that everybody thought was really cool? Yeah, total accident, not what I meant"

Well, to be fair, the women can ride their bikes on the shoulder where the road to rough (to wake up dozing drivers) and knock both out at the same time.

I don't get their point about advertising. First off, when Google does advertise, their commercials are pretty good. And the link supplied by Business Insider regarding the Muppet ad listed it as a top ad, but the paragraph is written in a way to suggest it was a failure.

Its a Business Insider article that they are re-posting.

That's me too, though I may be online a bit more than the averge "almost offline" gamer.

Well, it is cheaper, much cheaper. Microsoft used the same tact with those "I'm a PC" ads. And while the iPad is more capable, it doesn't really do much more than the Fire, just does those things better.

In Yosemite, they stressed to us that deer is the number 1 killer there. Part has to do with people thinking all deer are Bambi and just want to be friends, and they try to pet them.

Got it, but it seems like the "answer" is basically what would be the top result with other engines or the same if you clicked "I'm feeling lucky."

Santorum effectively draws awareness to his homophobic nature. "Spreading Santorum" is a childish act that emboldens Santorum's anit-gay supporters, and convinces people who would never vote for Santorum to, well, not vote for him even more?

Well, maybe being that size will open some doors (hell, it might literally open doors), but lets face it, the guy is not "traditionally" attractive. And if you are banking on a superficiality, you got to deal with the negatives too. Do some pushups, talk about something other than XBOX.

Did you Google or Bing "is abortion wrong?" Because I get the exact same answer. And you got the least offensive answer I see on the front page of Google for "are whites superior to blacks."

I don't get the spreading santorum result, I get news stories about it, but not the site itself.

I think its been at least 5 years since anybody actually bothered to "see more at GoDaddy.com."

While watching that commercial, we kind of laughed at the "IS THAT A PEN" line, and then wondered how old that Darkness song was, then stopped caring because we all liked that song anyway. A little more than half of the party were iPhone people, who laughed and nodded at the iPhone people in the commercial.

Right, "rape by force" is what Whoopie Goldberg would refer to as "rape rape".

Right, used games sales aren't that recent, I think it became widespread recently though. The local rental place always had used NES games for sale when I was a kid, but it seemed like though games always sucked. Haven't bought a used game until Uncharted 1 (which, as I said, was only because I couldn't find a new

I get that, wish they realize my cousin might be interested in buying Mass Effect and BioShock games because I lent him the first of each.

Some problems with online passes:

Right, but I'm referring to the argument that Google would eventually charge people.