
Headline seems a little misleading. All the CEO seemed to be stating is that the ultimatums are going to parts of Sony. If anything it should be "CEO thinks he knows what's best for Sony"

I know its France, and their laws aren't the same as our laws, but, don't they have to actually have some proof that Google wa planning to eventually charge?

Read this in my RSS feed, and the picture just looked like four circles. Couldn't figure out the big deal, so I clicked through to the actual page, and..., ow.

Hmm, not sure whats lamer, Team Bold, using "terribad", or half of the other tweets on Storify.

I don't care for cases either, but I have one for my Evo 4G, but only because of the protruding camera lense. The case isn't too thick, but thick enough that if I lay my phone down on its back, its not laying on the lens.

When I read that people felt the Feds did this yesterday because of the SOPA protests, the first thing I thought was, "if anything, this shows we have the laws necessary to stop piracy." If this was "SOPAs honor", it was pretty dumb, it just proved SOPA isn't necessary.

I think it depends on college textbooks. My understanding is that the $15 books are high school, middle school, etc. If the prices are the same, or similar for college, than it can still work. If you're spending hundreds of dollars for books for one semester, this makes sense, not just in a long term cost savings

I start at normal. I generally don't replay a game for the harder difficulty, but if I do replay the game for other reasons (I just like Uncharted and Mass Effect enough to replay) then I bump the difficulty.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the first part was already a Sony commercial, and it was repurposed for use in the trailer. I thought it was pretty clever.

I was wondering more about if the publishers would bother with iBooks since it may take away some of their ridiculous ways to make money, like rearranging chapters and calling it a new edition. I was more concerned with the publishers saying "screw that, we aren't putting our books on there" more than whether the

Okay, just found this, looks like iBooks will really help the college student too. For $15 a text book, you'd probably save money within the first year if you bought an iPad just for this. (I think my books usually cost at least $500 a semester depending on the classes I took)

I didn't read too much on this yet, but I'm wondering, has there been any updates on textbook publisher's putting their books on iBooks? My experience with textbooks when I was in college was that every 2 years, the books chapters were rearragned so they could sell a new edition (and therefore eliminate used books


I agree, I believe the biggest reason the iPhone hasn't changed sizes is for consistency. I just don't think the iPhone "proves" the 3.5 inch size is popular, I just think it proves the iPhone is popular, and it happens to have a 3.5 inch screen.

My problem with Gruber's point that he makes in his full article is that the iPhone is proof that there is a market for 3.5 inch phones. I'm not saying people don't like that size, but I don't believe somebody chose an iPhone specifically for that reason. I think the iPhone sells for a number of reasons, and screen

The twitter results really haven't been knocked down. A lot of the "evidence" still had twitter pages show up third, after the official page and the wikipedia page, which is about where it was before this whole thing. Some of the evidence (such as the @WWE hubub) the twitter page had a higher result on Google than

I haven't owned a handheld since the original Gameboy, and the case I had was this bag probably half the size of my bookbag, which carried all the accessories, and many games. It was ugly, but it wasn't trying to be pretty, it was trying to be useful, and it was.

I was think of the Vampire DLC. I'm not sure if that would even be part of a reissue anyway though, since its standalone, I believe, and doesn't need Infamous 2 to be played..

Just about to finish the games I got for Christmas, so its time to start thinking of getting the games that I didn't get.

That's the catch, 15 years standby time, 2 minutes talk time...