
Exactly, if you put the phone tucked between your thumb and pointer finger, you'll be able to reach the entire iPhone, but not larger Android, technically. The problem with the argument is:

Dumb joke. Throwaway joke that only had a potential to insult somebody, and little chance of making anybody laugh. Its a gimme. Its basically the equivalent of "that explains a lot!"

In the link, the last photo has dialouge for Luigi, and apparently he's a redneck.

Tried it out yesterday, no force closing problems, but it "didn't understand" questions I asked even when it had all the words right (it offers to do a google search if it can't figure it out).


I get what you're saying, but anybody who's thinking "Wait, doesn't Samsung make many of the parts in an iPhone" probably isn't who the commerical is aimed at, as I doubt those (us) people would be swayed to buy a particular smartphone because of a commercial.

The problem is that they're calling it a tablet, its basically Lenovo's Galaxy Player or iPod Touch.

I got Timeline, looked through it the first day, thought it was neat, then never looked at it again. It's not the new paradigm in social networking people were saying.

"Take Foursquare, remove all potential usefulness."

Personally, I need coffee before I can bother to have to deal with a French press, and quite frankly, the coffee isn't that much better, certainly not worth the extra effort, for me (especially if you grind your own beans).

Years of nuclear tension seems silly now when you realize the "enemy" are people who would change the name of their school to Steve Jobs...

The hate comes from Nintendo sitting on a false mandate. The Wii sold a lot of units, but has a low attachment rate. The high sales lets Nintendo fool themselves into thinking they don't need to make any changes.

Definitely wouldn't call it odd, Consumer Reports is much closer to "beyond reproach" than Gizmodo is. As for not recommending the iPhone 4 last year, that's whats called a fatal flaw. If there is one thing that could sink an otherwise fantastic phone, its calls dropping because you just "held your phone." Consumer

We fought a Cold War with these people...

I'm not sure why so many people are surprised that a guy like Drake kills so many people. Its actually part of the rant the main villain has in part 2, throughout all the games, when you score a headshot, Drake makes a quip.

Some of the enemies do look too much alike, especially the large thugs you need to fight using combat and not weapons. At first, I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be the same guy, but I'm pretty sure at least one of them die.

I do think UC1 was very good, and unfairly dismissed because people like UC2 much better. I think I like 2 better, but I loved 1, and while I think 2 was a better "game," part 1 felt like a much better experience, but that probably had a lot to do with having no idea what to expect.

I'm no fan of Chicago pizza, though I was excluding them only because the Pizza in the photo appears to NY Style (or at least pretending to).

For a company that is generally does many things well, Apple always looks dumb when they talk about other companies, especially when talking about Android stuff.

Anywhere outside the NJ/NY area, would be fine, considering how bad the stuff they call pizza anywhere else is.