
I haven't noticed any difference with the controls, but one strange thing, in the Syria level, I'm hanging on the side of the tower, shooting at the top, the enemy is basically right above me (slightly to the left), but as Drake is trying to shoot around the bricks he's hanging from, the gun is pointing noticeably to

Cinematic is what Uncharted is. You wouldn't drop Madden a point for being "too football-y". If the game fails in that, I understand, but I don't think its right to take points off just for having it.

I was more of a Jungle Hunt fan, had better water level mechanics than half the games over the next 20 years.

Tourney's fault. I imagine there must be deadline to enter your team members, and that deadline should be BEFORE any team has been eliminated.

Ooh, near miss! If they had cut off the sculpture just below the neck, and didn't include any of the chest, every villian in Gotham would want one. But nobody decapitates anybody into a deep-V neck, kind of douchy.

Agreed mostly, but if you charge for an online pass to access game content ALREADY ON THE DISC, then you deserve all the shitstorms sent your way.

I was at a party where some girl came in as a cat in a box, I guess "Schrodinger's cat" but apparently it was Maru Cat. Not a great start.

So his defense is that the patent system has always been messed up?

I agree with most points, except the 99 cents thing, that's a bad point. That's been around long before cell phones, its not about getting an extra 99 cents out of your, its getting you think its "under $200. Charging $199 or $199.99 is basically the same thing.

The Greatest Generation were the flag-waivers, the parents of the Baby Boomers, at least as far as I've ever heard it, those who were in their 20s during WWII.

I'm pretty sure Generation X caused most of the things you're griping about, especially the sense of entitlement (sure its gotten worse, but you're the ones who started having Slushee machines and video games in "hip" offices).

I pretty much agree, just saying that we knew Apple was granted the patents on "touching a phone to make it work" etc, and that being granted a patent doesn't mean it will hold up. I think Samsung realisticly knew they'd lose this round, and would need to win at challenging the validity of the patent to "win" this

Normally, I get bummed when my upgrade isn't coming for awhile when a big phone comes out, but this time I'm happy. I'm leaning towards the next Nexus phone (I personally feel a 3.5 inch phone is too tiny), but if that one disappoints (or doesn't come to Sprint), then I will be giving the iPhone 4S a serious though.

The black one looks like an iPad with the screen off from ten feet away (excluding the back part). "Ten inch black rectangle" seems to be enough to be considered copying.

If Google does "win", it won't be because people think "do I need another social network" but rather they'll realize "I already have another social network." If they use other Google products, and Google+ integrates itself well with them, much of the transferring work will be done for them, and it would be an easy

Not terribly surprising. For all the back and forth, we knew Apple was granted patents. Most of the anti-Apple arguments were that the patents Apple had were obvious or "un-patentable." I'm sure Samsung hoped for a different outcome, but I doubt they expected it. The real decision will be if the patents are valid

The article I read didn't mention much about the actual tablets, were they off or on. And it says "only ten feet" but for a 10 inch tablet, 10 feet can obscure the differences, even a tablet that didnt' "slavishly copy" the iPad would look similar if it was the same dimensions. If this is what does in Samsung,

I dont' have as many friends on Google+ as Facebook, but I've always been a bit selective on adding people. Most of my Google+ friends post about the same amount as Facebook, but as of yet, there aren't any people spamming links or liking pages, or requesting Farmville help, so it does look less active, but 90% of

16 shots in an hour or so? I get some people have more tolerance than others, but 5 drinks in an hour is considered "binge drinking", and while that may not be enough to hospitalize most people, three times that can't be good for anybody.

You know, I never used the interplanentary feature on my Blackberry, never wanted to, then when they told me I couldn't, that's all I wanted to do.