I don't mean to take away from the impact Jobs had. I'm old enough to remember Cobain dying, I never looked at it as a "where was I" sort of thing though.
I don't mean to take away from the impact Jobs had. I'm old enough to remember Cobain dying, I never looked at it as a "where was I" sort of thing though.
Always thought "Powerbook" was a strange name. Apple has a more reserved feel design-wise, and "Powerbook" sounds like a lame 80s or 90s name for something, like adding "3000" to an existing product name to make it sound cooler.
Found out the old fashioned way, watching TV, and the news broke in.
I kind of agree. But I think one reason people get extra bummed when somebody famous dies is that you can't ignore it. You can ignore the thousands or millions of people who die every day (and you have to, really) but when somebody famous dies, its in your face. It's death, it may not be the death of the…
I always viewed Mac/PC or iOS/Android more of a Yankee/Red Sox fued than an actual war-fued. Even if you root for the other team, everybody is still basically working for the same group (baseball or Electronics). The tide lifts all boats, and whether you give Jobs all the credit for todays smartphones, or just very…
Perfect opportunity for Android, you mean.
Microsoft needs a lot of things to happen for them to catch up, a small spec bump on an iPhone is not one of them.
Exactly, the iPhone 4 was the only one to really deviate "looks wise" from the previous model. Maybe the earlier items weren't identical, but its not like as though each iPhone has been known to look so different from its predecessor.
I'm sure the camera will be great, but "look at this test photos provided by the company" shouldn't really be put forth as "evidence"
Granted, my phone isn't perfect for music, though it works pretty good. An iPod (or any dedicated PMP player) would be better, but not $200 better, or even $99 better.
What carrier do you have? Didn't some of them change the return policy to 14 days? I'm not sure, but you may want to check on that.
I have an EVO too, and while I didn't expect to be swayed by the new iPhone, I was open to the possibility. I don't get 4G where I am at, so that doesn't bother me, but after a year and a half of this huge phone, there's no way I could go to a small screen like the iPhone, I'd feel like Lenny and his rabbits…
Next Apple sues Samsung for infringing on Apple's Patents for suing over ridiculous patents.
It's a real postcard I think, you just create it electronically, but the recipient gets an actual tangible card.
Design wise, was there that much difference between the first three iPhones? I remember there being complaints after the iPhone 4 because people needed new cases, etc.
Not to take anything away from the Nano, or other iDevices, but that is one ugly watch. For a company that takes pride in its product's looks, I'm surprised they would build this up so much.