
Exactly! The product they launched at first really wasn't that great, and in 2001, I don't think Apple had (as much) the reputation that they'd get that in order.

I am in no means a troll, but this would make me laugh that evil troll laugh if it happened.

I'd agree, except that any time I watched "just one" episode of a show on Netflix, it usually ended 5 hours and many episodes later.

Okay Netflix, next up is Party Down. If you get that one going as well you will be my new king.

Bob Lahblah was great, and is the second thing I point to when people said season 3 was "fading." The first was "analrapist."

I'm sure its that as well as the quality of TV programming. Plus, if you watch a movie on Netflix, you got 2 hours, if you never watched Arrested Development until Netflix, you have about 27 hours. So the TV has the advantage there as well as quanitity AS WELL AS quality.

Austin Powers won't truly successful until it was on DVD. It surely wouldn't be the first time something like this worked. Netflix might be the best place for it, since ratings aren't the concern, subscribers are. There aren't many "moderate fans" of Arrested Development, for the most part you love it, or don't

Google has made their share of mistakes, but I doubt they're stupid enough to go against the one thing that has made Android successful. If Motorola does have a major impact, I'd imagine it wouldn't be for a few years.

Didn't Facebook boot Timelines.Com from Facebook.com/Timelines? That's pretty shady. Plus, isn't this the website that stated one of the reasons Google was Evil was because they ventured into Facebooks territory? How is this much different, Timelines.com does similar stuff that Facebook Timelines attempts to do. I

That would be a horrible idea! Part of the Fire's appeal is that its at least "part tablet" meaning apps. You lose that on WebOS (or most of them at least), and Amazon just wasted all that effort into making their own appstore as well.

"Instead, it just took everyone's breath away."

Could've been worse, they could've set you up with a Magic The Gathering Champ.

"Hmm, what am I going to be unreasonably mad about today?"

Please ship all non-iDevices in one of these to avoid any future confusion, thanks!

The icons was pretty dumb of Samsung, and the connector is strange since I thought everybody besides Apple was just doing USB/microUSB, but the rest?

Bezos is a relatively thin guy, Jobs is obviously thin, yet when you put Jeff's head on Steves, it looks short squat guy.

I agree with basically everything (except the dis to Eminem in your linked column about Mr. Denton's playlist, if only because you don't rag on Eminem when a Willa Ford song was in the queue).

For having a grenade stuck in her head, she doesn't look all that beat up actually. She looks extremely lucky for being alive of course, but even in the vanity sense, when all is said and done, it may not be all that bad either.

My mother, who calls me every other day to help her with her netbook but has no problems operating her Optimus S, will be glad to find out she is now a tech-nerd.

Looks pretty young to be balding already, kid didn't have a chance.