
I'm not a lawyer, but wouldn't the freedom on assembly protect the teachers?

Not bad for mid range, heck, mid range isn't seeming that bad anymore. But the downside is that screen. Too small, and I imagine you'd want to set up playlists instead of randoming looking for songs.

Thanks, I was hoping they'd drop to around $200 when I first heard the new, so $99 make it a no-doubter. Of course, problem is, it seems to be a no doubter for many people.

I wonder if HP thought about discounting them this deeply before killin webOS. I'm sure the touchpads would have sold easily for $200 if webOS was still "alive." Either way, HP takes a hit, but this way, they could have at least tried to capitalize on the small marketshare they are gaining.

I look forward to the day that "epic" and "fail" (either together or separate) are out of fashion. I'm amazed its lasted as long as they have.

Just didn't think the phone itself was that great (though I think that cheese cutting video was BS, you can tell the cheese was soft, and I've held the phone before, you really must have a skin condition if you were cutting yourself with the Pre).

Not that I expect it to go that low, but what would you say its worth? $300? $200?

You can just leave the 3D off, there's a toggle switch. And at $200 on contract, its not like you are paying extra for the 3D anyway, and wouldn't be "wasting money" if you never used it. Might be worth it just for the dual-core.

Wow, she must be the only person in the world who doesn't dick around at the office online. I'm pretty sure ALT-TAB is the reason half of the US workforce hasn't been fired.

A stupid suit to begin with, and being dishonest makes Apple look even worse. A screen with a grid of icons? Maybe Palm should be suing Apple then.

I agree that it "should" be irrelevant, I just never seem to see them cut so low when there isn't carrier deals.

I thought the same, but isn't the margin very low on tablets? It would seem to me there wouldn't be that much of a sale.

Looking through the comments, and seeing so many games from the 90s as being somebody's "first" is really making me feel old.

Not sure if this is the "first" atari game I played, but it was one of the few I found in my grandparents basement that my father had. It was definitely my favorite. If it wasn't this, it was Jungle Hunt.

Rodents of Unusual Size, I don't think they exist.

The manager wasn't working that day, probably has alerts set up for @(the restaurant), not really wasting any time other than his personal time.

He was too nice to them. I have no problem with giving pizza and soda to protestors (who are acting peacefully), but ONLY if they actually took more than five minutes in making their signs. Have some pride, c'mon!

Not sure if its the same program they are talking about for dispatch, but we used a program called Click Scheduling (for appointments, but not cable installs, my job had a more exact timeframe for appointments to finish). Its pretty simple, and uses maps to calculate driving time.

I'd like to know the percentage of Android vs iOS users who are interested in such silly studies.

Ugly, then again, so it every Halo XBox and FF13 PS3, or R2D2 Droid phone, or bedazzled iPhone, or.....