
Most of it is way over my head, but the Samsung lawsuit was about design, not patents, so its basically just the looks.

Their rectangular screen looks like our rectangular screen! WE INVENTED RECTANGULAR SCREENS!

Frucci is at www.splitsider.com, not gadget related though, don't know about the rest.

"p.s – we do not condone in innocent people being attacked in these riots nor do we condone in small businesses being looted"

Call me old fashtioned, but the "ping" of an aluminum bat hitting the head of a rioter just doesn't sound as classic as the "crack" of a wooden bat.

Didn't Giz do a camera-phone review awhile ago, and determine that the Samsung Epic 4G (or maybe a different Galaxy S phone) had a better camera than the iPhone? Shouldn't that be the camera to compare others to?

I noticed that on twitter and other snarky type shows. I think they decided awhile ago, "well, this is going to suck, so I'll get a head start on jokes" and when it turned out the film was pretty good, they just decided they weren't going to let their jokes go to waste.

No matter what Mossberg says, if he's going to do anything inappropriate with a device, you can damn well bet its going to be an Apple device.

I don't think I voted in the polls, but "Rise" did suprise me. A reboot of a reboot that didn't do well isn't something you assume would be good. Turns out it was a great movie. And when summer blockbusters actually turn out to be good, they're going to make money. (Granted, plenty of "good movies" don't do well,

It depends, if you wait for a game like Borderlands, sure, you'll get all the DLC, but many of your friends may have played it and are done with it by then. Games with Co-Op can have extra value if you buy them earlier.

Looks like the Noid, should have avoided me.

The 7Up Spot game wasn't half bad actually.

Does anybody buy this crap? If you were going to spend extra on a name for a tablet, you're going to spend on a "Tech name" not a "fashion name."

I agree with many points, but I think part of the reason why Google+ is "Work Facebook" is due to the people on it. I think if it fills out with "regular people" it won't have the same feel. Since there are a lot of tech people on now, I think they way they use it dominates everybody else.

Well, I was being a little facetious, but it wouldn't have been nice to there was some sort of acknowledgement that many of the things that happened were red herrings.

I thought in the Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes, the planet he lands on wasn't Earth, but somehow, from the events in the film, Apes end up taking over Earth. But the planet most of the movie takes place on was in fact another planet?

Will she mail them out to each person, or is that $3,450 on top of postage?

So IE users aren't idiots, but a whole mess of bloggers/news sites who blindly posted the story apparently are (present company excluded of course)

I really didn't have a problem with the ending, though I do agree it didn't feel as "epic" as it should have.

Yeah, I suppose, but I'm talking the phone itself, the apps having their own solutions for a missing "back" button would put iOS in the same boat as android, though, where each app would possibly act differently.