
While the back button could be utilized better, it is already better than the iOS home button (haven't used any WindowsPhone). Worst case scenario, you go back to the home screen, which is basically the only option on the iPhone anyway.

As a former waiter from NJ, I don't think its high, but in California (where servers make at least regular minimum wage, not just $2/hr) it may be considered high.

All the bad reviews? Besides the half-review Gizmodo did, I don't remember seeing that many/any bad reviews at all.

The app (in this case) wasn't from the android market, so your mom would probably not have even downloaded this app.

Some of the reviews seem legitimate. There was one where the older man was complaining about other rude customers, but I think its totally legit to complain if a store cannot manage a system that doesn't encourage chaos (assuming it wasn't an actual riot or anything).

Yeah, definitely all that stuff too. But this one issue, when the boy says that, I thought Pope was about to say that's what he was doing? To me, that would be the only reason it was "interesting" that our bullets had their metal in it.

Fair point, and last week you made a comment about "This is what True Blood does to you..." and this is another example, this doesn't feel nearly as creepy as most of the stuff this season.

There were three sex scenes in this episode, and the one you gave a Pro to was the one where a guy has sex with a woman under false pretenses by looking like here boyfriend?

I thought the lesson of Switch was that if God says you need to find one woman who loves you, you need to get date raped by a friend (its how she gets pregnant).

My only problem with the episode involved Matt and Pope. When Matt says of the alien bullets "I wish we could use them on the aliens" and Pope decides to try it. All I could think of, was why they weren't already trying that?

Heck, at $90k, its only $2k less than what I paid for my condo in 2007.

If a black kid shot up his school for being picked on, you can bet the media will look for influences like video games, music, etc, just like they do for white kids.

Didn't the US set itself a deadline or something that it had to sell off its reserves by a certain year? Also, I think that is why Helium is so cheap, but the US requiring itself to rid itself of Helium, its artificially lowering the prices.

Ah, the old fuck'em and chuck'em. Sleep with the guy all you want, just don't get attached.

I don't remember the exact dialouge, but I thought she told Sookie to "stay away." Granted, it wasn't nearly as urgent as the warning about Marnie.

I liked how Sookie took her grandmother's warning about Marnie very seriously, then chose to ignore it when it came to the muscle-bound nordic vampire.

Normally, I would as well, except 1)It was not the image you'd use to lure somebody with (to be nice), and 2) I did reply to let the person know they sent the text to the wrong person, and they apologized and didn't try to get me to sign up for anything.

From that very first picture, I was actually impressed that it was only .6 inches thick. The photo makes it seem much thicker.

As far as explicit images, I'm old enough that if I wanted to do that in college, I needed to get a polaroid.

Number 2 reminds me of The Abyss. Its looks cool, but it would creep me out too much.