I long for the day when "Friday" brings memories of Chris Tucker in his best role to date again.
I long for the day when "Friday" brings memories of Chris Tucker in his best role to date again.
I went to school at Rowan, in Glassboro, NJ, are you telling I was in Gotham City the WHOLE FREAKING TIME!!!! Why am I just hearing about this?
"My kid can't have a normal name, my kid is special! Well, he/she actually isn't special at all, but I can cover up the fact with a stupid first name."
So, there is a male/male romance option, but no new romance options...
I don't give myself all that much time before work, so I really don't do much. But usually, I have an email, so I check that, and then I open up the market to look for updates, so I have can them download and install while I get ready (and still on WiFI)
The only thing I'd pay almost $4 million for is the antidote. So to answer your question, no.
This happened the same week the news came out about the commissioner who approved the merger will now be working for Comcast. This was a good PR move, but it isn't even a draw when it comes to good/bad PR for them this week. They need to save a baby or something to catch up still.
For a minute there, I thought this article was about Kinect getting cast in a 80's teen comedy.
He was there as a writer in the beginning, and he did have a bit part in Trading Places, so perhaps I was a bit harsh, but even his Wikipedia states he's most closely associated with the 80s of SNL, which is by far the worst part of the show's history, Eddie Murphy notwithstanding.
You just pointed out why this is needed. If you are going to go around calling e-smokers (is that what they're called?) failed smokers and other names, they are going to need to meet like minded people in order to have a social life.
I like Franken the Senator, even despite some differences in philosophy, because of stuff like this.
Kalamazoo's A-1 Printing Building has got to suck for the ghost. First, you're dead, but at least the afterlife wasn't so bad considering you got entrance to a house of ill repute (it's not like you'd catch something). Then, next you know, your sweet afterlife digs become a copy center.
I loved Chrono Trigger. I don't remember much about Chrono Cross, I just remeber seeing it at a Blockbuster, thinking "this must be related to Chrono Trigger" renting it, playing it, and not being particular impressed (nor disappointed), just kind of meh. Though, not sure how long you need to play to "get it." Not…
I understand LG's desire to have exclusivity here, but I think what LG (and HTC, among others) need to focus on for their 3D devices is to have content. I think the average consumer will think "Should I buy a 3D phone?" and not "which 3D phone should I buy?" I don't think there are enough legit 3D devices coming out…
There's a certain volume called "obnoxiously loud" which is unacceptable unless you are at a concert, on a roller coaster, or being attacked. I guess it depends on how loud is too loud to concentrate for you (maybe you're sensitive), but there is definitely a limit on how loud you should be in a coffee shop (or…
Well, Tilapia is the "Jesus Fish" and the NYT bumping them from the front page for some middle eastern guy shows the anti-christian bias of the NYT.
For your first point, I couldn't tell when Snow said "They hate me because I'm better than them" if he meant he was more skilled than them, or if he was superior in a snobbish way. I think that wordplay in the book would have definitely played better (and only taken an extra second in screen time). Maybe they…
Eh, do you have a hard time watching movies that have Samuel L Jackson or Tom Hanks in it?
So, by that reasoning, the 360 should have doubled all the sales records within two years of release.