
Really, that's pretty neat. Actually, the one thing that would stop me from doing this (except my lack of Stop and Shops or iPhone) is that I would imagine it would be a clusterf—k in the beginning, but if they have basically been doing this for awhile now, I imagine it would be well ran by now.

So I guess the PS2 is safe with its "highest selling home console" record?

It would be nice if it were 3D capable (just not a main feature). I don't have a 3D TV, but it would be nice that if I were to buy one, there would be content ready for me to use.

That's a little disappionting, depending on how true it is. Granted, Valve games with multi-player have had long lives to them, but in general, I feel games that require (or rely on) multiplayer basically have a built in expiration date.

Exactly, the guy owned his own cab, and agreed to it on his own. The Post article doesn't say who paid for gas and tolls (if its the cabbie, its ends up being much less than $5K though), but either way, the guy got a nice payday.

It has, and I'm sure the Charge will eventually drop, sooner than later I think. Of course, I think Samsung was able to get away with it easier on Sprint, as at the time, there were really only good alternative (unless you like the Blackberry which hadn't released the 3G version on Sprint). On Verizon, there is

I can't even name an Android tablet before the Tab, and I'm a regular Giz reader, so I imagine the average Joe can't either.

Samsung does this. They charged $250 for the Epic when the Evo was just $200.

I don't think any tablet before the Galaxy Tab was technically official.

Eh, it's still about Android vs iPhone. These companies brag about their numbers because it implies people chose their product over the competitions. People don't really have the iPod touch because they chose iOS over android. If anything, they chose iOS over the iPod classic or nano. Same thing with tablets,

Now playing

Still not as hardcore as these guys. (NSFW language)

Oh, thank god the iPhone came around and developed the revolutionary idea of a "grid-like display of app icons." I remember before the iphone came out, was just a sloppy mess of icons that sat wherever they landed.

Yeah, and I don't mean to imply I agree with Adams (as I mentioned, I don't follow his blog anymore). I just think when they add dumb, or incorrect commentary, they are implying "we need to misrepesent his point to make him look bad." As you said, his comments shouldn't need to be misrepresented to look bad.

Ok, this behavior of Adams' is kind of lame. But I thought the Jezebel article about his misogynist rant kind of missed the point. At least the portion they quoted were pretty dumb (incorrectly assuming Adams mixed up male/female circumcision, or the fact that white men have more advantages means they never are at a

You have the Portal 2 on sale as the PS3 version, but the link is for the Mac/Windows version. On the Bestbuy site, it has the PS3 and XBox versions as $44.99 instead of $35.

As a Mets fan, it pains me to say I think Halladay is still the best pitcher, but Lincecum is definitely a phenom.

I disagree, as soon as Mass Effect got big, I think it became impossible to switch who was on the cover. It would be too confusing to some people.

He's not entirely wrong about the DS. Granted, they have plenty of sales, but I do think the average non-gamer views the DS as something for children. Its not necessarily true, but I think it has that impression. Kind of like how many feel gaming is for children, even though the average gamer age is something

Reviews didn't change the way I buy games as much as not being able to rent games has. I moved to an area without a Blockbuster (even before the bankruptcy) or a decent equivalent. Also, word of mouth from friends began to disappear as I got older (my friends and I still pay, and mention games, but its not like when

"Oh yeah, I'm two minutes older..."