
I'm surprised at the Marios on the original list, personally I think it would need to be SMB3 or Mario 64. SMB3 was the best IMO, but I can see putting Mario 64 up there as its the game the ensured Mario wouldn't be left behind on the 2D consoles like Sonic and so many others.

I have one major question. Over the last month or two, articles started showing up with titles like "what we want the next iPad to be," and with the exception of the cameras, did Apple do any of that.

Well, the claim is that by using too small of a font, Apple is skirting the rule that requires the briefs be no more than 25 pages.

Whatever your thoughts on the Wii, the two main reasons its winning this gen's console war in terms of sales is because of price and a new gimmicky control. There's been two console generations between this one and the last one they won (at least the N64 was respectable, the Gamecube was embarrased in sales).

The most shocking thing in the whole article... The first boss okayed it, because "My staff work very very hard..." Seems like a nice guy to work for, usually most bosses won't give praise like that becuase you'll use it when negotiating a raise.

Well, it is a much rarer situation than you think. Of course, I do believe in the "can't be too careful" line of thought when it comes to children's sports.

I'm not anti-3D, but what it boils down to is, I just bought an HD TV 3 1/2 years ago. I'm not buying another television. When the time comes when I need to, depending on prices, I'll consider 3D. Honestly, I'd like to play 3D games (or at least try them out), but not to the point where I'll drop over $1,000 to do

I don't know when the Konami Code started, but I know we basically just used it for Contra. It worked for other games, but the 30 lives trick was the only one really worth writing home about.

More important than completion rate is the reason why people didn't complete it. Was there a sudden difficulty spike? Was it a game you were playing while waiting for another to come out, and then abandoned when the other game was released? Did you just not like it?

You know what, I think this show gets a bad rap. There, I said it. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't care for the show, but there are plenty worse than it. Hell, I think its better than Mike and Molly or Rules of Engagement. I guess you have to multiple the badness of the show because its been on a long time.

Exactly, and the guy forgot to include rent or mortgage payments, and grocery bills (because you need to eat to live, and you need to be alive to play games). It is kind of silly to add prices for TV.

I think context is important, and obviously its hard to tell from the article. If when he said "I think its a huge mistake" he meant "you are wrong" then I don't agree with his comment. But if he's speaking about himself, as though its just his philosophy, then I agree. Normally, I think "quiet protagonist" is

Its not just about whether people will no longer have a reason to go to Blackberry, but also has something to do with keep current Blackberry users there perhaps. My sister has a BB, loves it, but her BBM has become almost useless as many of her friends have since left BB for Android. Last time she talked about it,

I'm surprised that Gawker media was so surprised how attached people were to the comments section. Don't get me wrong, I think all you bloggers on io9 are great, and also the ones from most of the other sites, but lets face it, Blogs are basically a commodity now. And while I do read these blogs (io9, Gizmodo, and

That's true, but isn't the monthly plans more on Verizon and AT&T? I'm on Sprint, so I don't know the ins and otus of the plans of other carriers, but wouldn't a top tier Android have the same monthly plan rates?

I believe you, I just always see "similar specced PCs cost the same!" arguments in comments when the topic arises, so I figured I'd try to avoid the argument.

Some people already said it, but I don't think the iPhone is where Apple gets its "for the rich" image. For $200 on contract, its bascially right where most top line phones are priced. Granted, the versions with more memory cost more, and perhaps putting a sd slot would help and let consumers upgrade their storage

You go to "your dealer" to get "superhigh", not to get the "superhighway"

It may not be Sammy's fault in this case, but as a company, they have a pretty bad track record. Even if they submitted the update to AT&T months ago, they're going to get a lot of slack for any delays because of their history. If they don't deserve it for the Captivate, odds are they deserve it for something else.

"Make sure you tell your dealer you want to access the internet"