
For some reason, it looks to me like its anxious, as though it has a fear of flying.

Is Steve Jobs supposed to be there? Or is his leave of absence going to keep him away?

Though if you do blow, the iPhone will buy you dinner.

Great, so now instead of just theft, they can get cruelty to animals added on, and after a comment like "didn't want to leave any witnesses." is probably enough to get them busted for drug use.

Is there a chart that takes into account that record labels and music stores were basically stealing in the 90s by price gouging CDs? Of course they're making less money now, they can't charge $20 for a 10 track album anymore.

I guess it depends on the subsidized price. $800 really isn't that high when compared to some other unsubsidized phones, the 32GB iPhone is $800.

My rule of thumb for National Enquirer stories is to look at the sources. If they sound like "a friend of so-and-so says" where it seems purposely vague in a way to make sure they can't be sured for libel, I don't buy it. If, when reading the article (which I don't actually do much) I think to myself "wow, if they're

I'm very proud of you Gizmodo. I very much thought the headline would be something like "Facebook wants more details to better destroy your privacy" or something like that.

If 3D phones are successful, I'd say its more because they are making it easier to create, rather than consume. Giving more people the ability to made 3D recordings will possibly lead to one of them thinking of a better use for it than the companies are. Just like Kinect, it seems the coolest stuff about that is the

I enjoyed the book, but I read it as "ok, now you're rich, but you're not OUR kind of rich" and how Gatsby was still not "good enough."

I worked at a place that served a Monte Cristo, but never deep fried the sandwich, and it was actually pretty good. Problem is, that was the only time I had ever heard of such a sandwich, so years later, I was at a diner and saw Monte Cristo. I order it, assuming the way the place I worked at made it was the normal

I agree, but when they post about matching the redesign, they're asking to be blasted in the comments.

Yeah, I get what they were doing, I don't think they did an overall great job though. And by the time the N64 came out, I think many lefties had already gotten used to the "traditional setup"

It just felt weird. I know it wasn't truly a big deal, but it just bothered me, and many people.

This was pretty bad. Also the DreamCast controller (why did the wire come out the wrong side) which also was too big IMO. The N64 kind of missed the point too. It wasn't horrible, but its made in the way where no matter how you played, you only used 2/3rds of it (either you used the d-pad and the L button, or the

I'm not exactly sure what I'd use either for, I don't feel either system really chisled out an identity yet.

Tax returns coming in soon and I was thinking of getting a Move or Kinect. I haven't actually heard of any good games for either though (I heard Dance Central uses the Kinect tech well, but I just have no desire for a dancing game). Any suggestions? Kinect seems cooler, but PS Move doesn't have the lag the Kinect does

Do you need to pay a restocking fee if you cancel? You aren't actually returning anything.

Universal Sim would be a cool feature, but assuming it is still bought on contract, I wouldn't count that as a huge win over any other OS, since by the time you could use it without breaking contract, it might be two years later. Don't get me wrong, its definitely a nice feature, but it may not be used often, as would

Because HP got some press. Apple likes to let things "slip" whenever a competitor gets press. They didn't have anything really to relay, so they let Gruber "slip" out iPad 3 rumors so Palm would get overlooked.