
I thought this idea was Apple's business plan, right. I kid, but I think they are stretching this out a bit. Any old possessions I have that I've gotten a lot of use out of, I feel a certain connection to it, I still have my PS2 even though I got a PS3 with backwards compatibility. But those "feelings" come from after

Exactly, I imagine "I'm a psycho ex girlfriend" should be easy to plaster over her picture and spread around online. The only way he could have looked like a loser is by having mommy call up Google.

Well, at no point did I think the characters got into the idea of D&D, just the idea of beating Pierce, so I'm not sure if it did much to make it "cool." I don't think anybody who likes this show, and not D&D, will think, "maybe I should give it a try." Then again, the last time I saw any D&D reference on TV was in

The reception on your AT&T iPhone may vary depending on where you are, however, the "Can You Hear Me Now" campaign is pretty lame no matter the location.

@syaieya: I thought it probably could, but when I searched back then, all I saw were references to the PS2, so I figured "I still have my PS2, and I know that will play PS1 games, so why bother on the PS3"

I'm old, I started on Atari, truly became a gamer on NES, but still, the PS2 has to be the greatest console ever. I got my PS2 shortly after launch, and it still works. Of course, the strange thing is, I only use it to play PS1 games, since my PS3 still have BC.

@lionkitten: I agree, I never felt like I was supposed to Drake, but then again, I never felt like I was supposed to be Master Chief.

@lionkitten: Fair point. But its more of an "in general" thing. Nintendo says the same about why many of their characters don't talk, to allow the player to fill that stuff in themselves.

You know what? This is a bunch of crap. An easy excuse for not fleshing out a character. If that's their choice fine, but lets not pretend its more immersive. I feel more immersed in games like Uncharted or Mass Effect.

I actually kind of like the redesign, but I would like to echo a bit of disappointment on the comments changes. I like this site, but one thing that draws me to Gawker sites as opposed to competing sites is that I think Gawker has the best comments section. Maybe it just takes some getting used to, but following my

The Stand had a miniseries, and maybe because I was younger, but I remember it being absolutely awesome. Even if they did a 3 hour movie, I can't imagine it being any good. They should just call the next Superman movie, "Supeman: What Else Are We Going to Do with the License?"

@AimAtTheFace: That's what I thought, "great, you know the pattern, here's your random ticket that you had no choice in".

I'm not too upset about the actor choices, after seeing The Other Guys, perhaps Wahlberg could pull off Drake. Also, I don't think ScarJo would be too bad, she looks enough like Elena, and I can see her pulling off some of those mannerisms.

Congrats on the twins! Actually, I'd recommend you lock up your rated M games now. Not that I believe violent video games make people violent, but violent video games + being as sleep deprived as you are going to be for the foreseeable future might.

Are they realling making a Heavy Rain movie? I know the rights were optioned, but I was under the impression that they were "just in case." That many games get rights optioned early on, because the studios get them cheap, and most never actually get to the "development hell" phase.

I can see the idea working in a particular game, but I wouldn't reccommend it widespread. Sure you are getting more weapons and skills, but your adversaries are too, ideally. I'd say if the game is actually easier as you go through it, its because you got the feel of it better in the later levels than in the

Some dumbphones may have some sort of data plan already too. I don't remember how much mine was since I was on a family plan, and Sprint had screwed us years ago by "accidentally" removing a text plan that was no longer offered, and therefore could not be readded, so they kept applying discounts to the plan to make

@SBM_from_LA: I'm assuming, if you use WiFi a lot, there's not harm in taking the low tier plan (like $15 a month) if available.

I love launcherpro, but I feel it really isn't that great unless you get the paid version. I have it mostly because of the dock (I like Sense, but I hate their dock), and I think the swipe guestures on the LauncherPro dock alone is worth the money. But it really isn't much faster for me. It has force closed a lot