I have a Movado for all of my handsome watch needs.
I have a Movado for all of my handsome watch needs.
I bought a warranty when I bought my refurb 360 from Newegg. The Redring drama had died down somewhat at that point, but it only cost $20, and the warranty that came with was only for 30 days. Considering it takes $150 to fix it otherwise, I figure $20 fall into the proper value threshold.
@garynewsmail: Wow, I get annoyed by the random FYI text I get from my provider, and those don't blow me up.
Not a fan of used games, but its part of the industry now, and legal. I don't accept when other industries refuse to accept new developments in the business, and I accept it even less when that industry is one that is supposed to be as forward thinking as video games.
"At that moment, we stopped being a family and started being a family ... in italics."
@Squirrel_Blitz: That was funny, and his mother "bonglover." I imagine a bunch of his childhood friends just slapped their heads saying "ooooh, that would have been so great to make fun of him for that."
@crosis101: They are different, but if you like Big Bang, you probably would like Community. Community doesn't have the "nerds" like Big Bang, but it does make better references to "thinks nerds/geeks like." And it references other pop culture things like Modern Warfare (paintball episode) that Big Bang wont'.
@ShubNecktie: Actually, "Just Neil" is okay too. Just not actuarily speaking.
If he were really good with his fingers, his girlfriend would be happy with or without a Wii. So, I definitely say that part is a lie.
He wants his money and respect back? Um, I got news for Mr. Burton, even if UConn sends him his money back, I think the "respect" part is long gone.
Most of the old folks I know who are confused enough to blindly follow a GPS don't drive fast enough to cause that much damage.
Sooooo....., Apple invented NFC?
@Simon DelMonte: Ok, so the total number of noms are based on the total number of eligible films? I got it, I knew there was something different about that category.
I keep forgetting, is animated films limited to three noms, or is it just that they don't required to have 5? If there's a limit, that's one thing, but it must be kind of insulting if you weren't nominated, and the Oscars left two blank spots.
My Gameboy kind of chewed up batteries. The only reason it seemed to have good battery life was because the Game Gear would only last about 3 1/2 minutes before the batteries dies.
@Meander061: Yeah, all I can really remember is him correcting Bullock's screwed up 90's sayings, and him cursing at the profanity sensor to get some extra citations, because he couldn't work the shells.
A house being moved by trailer broke down once by me, in the middle of an intersection. I'm heading towards it, knowing exactly what happened, and in plenty of time, and still almost crashed into because it just looked so strange there, and I forgot I was driving at it.
I remember seeing this in the theater, I was 13. One thing that bothered me about the movie was in the beginning, it seems as though the authorities just took Wesley Snipes word that Stallone was implicit in the hostages' deaths, as though Stallone wasn't a decorated cop, and Snipes wasn't some raving madman.
@RaveX: Exactly, she even gives him a smile, like she's thinking "I've been waiting god knows how long for my waking nightmare to be over, buuuut, then again, we did have a moment on the death boat there, didn't we?"