I didn't hate Clash of the Titans, even though I thought it was odd that many of the things they changed from the original, were the few parts of the original that were actually accurate (excluding Bubo of course).
I didn't hate Clash of the Titans, even though I thought it was odd that many of the things they changed from the original, were the few parts of the original that were actually accurate (excluding Bubo of course).
Maybe I play wrong, but I've never played a game a certain way because of acheivements or trophys. Hell, the only time I even look as the trophys for a game is after I get a vague sounding one, I wonder I actually did.
@Jeriba: Just get into a horrible motorcyle accident...
Actually, its a little known fact that young vacuum cleaners in Juarez have serious coke problems. Its not their fault, day after day being intimidated into buying drugs from local cartels, the police are no help, its a serious problem that goes largely ignored because the government doesn't care about vacuum…
@SteveZim1017: Yeah, I have a whole bunch of Warlock and the Infinity Watch comics.
Personally, and I have no knowledge on the subject, but I see only one more traditional console before everything changes. I know Sony said that parts of the world still don't have the infrastructure online to go completely discless yet, and I don't see storage space getting that much cheaper just yet to go totally…
@Freezen: Wow, that's not good, she's that clever now, wait until she's a teenager. This little cute story will end up being the thing that keeps you up at nights in about ten years.
A big factor too is carrier. Not which carrier updates the best, but if you have the ability to switch carriers or not. I'm on Sprint, on a family plan so changing wasn't much of an option. My contract was up last March. I was going to get a Pre, and instead decided to check some blogs to see how it handled. …
@secgeek: I was wondering about that. I know there is no expectation of privacy on a work computer, but I wonder if the expectation of Attorney-Client privacy would trump that. Guess not.
This is still around? Goddamn I'm old, I started playing almost 15 years ago. Wonder if my cards are worth anything, I have a couple Limited (or was it Unlimited?), but mostly 3rd edition, or whatever came after limited, some Legends, etc.
Unless you hate physics and the hard work of children.
Well, from my profile, they can tell I'm a white male, live in NJ, and wore a tie at least once, so its not like they'll get anything they wouldn't get when they just saw me.
@tasteskindasalty: I like French Press, but it is just too involved, I need a cup of coffee just to wake up enough to use a French Press.
@Jonny_eh: It was retrofitted, but one review I read, which actually wasn't a positive review, did mention that the way they did the 3D actually worked for the film, with the Kato-vision, and that it wasn't as horrible as when it was done that way for other movies, like Clash of the Titans.
@whatne1wuddo: I think the Storm 2 just utilizes it differently. I think the first one, the whole screen clicked, but the 2nd, there were more sensors or something, and only that area clicked.
Are they keeping that clicky screen? Didn't know many people who cared for that.
I wouldn't actually call her a regular on the Daily Show. Sure, she gets a "Senior such and such" correspondant when she's on, but she's only been on a couple times.
Subsidize it, on the condition that they come back and pay back the subsidy, with interest, on the same day the subsidy is paid, so in effect, do both.
@seamonkey420: my brother has a torch, despite the disappointing specs, I liked the build, even though I didn't think I would at first. To me, it felt like it went from open to close smoother than a landscape.