They should focus on making the first Tron movie available for people to see.
They should focus on making the first Tron movie available for people to see.
Great story, until you read the accompanying article about a Naples nurse who was mysteriously shot while in the ER.
@GettingOld: Well, yes. Of course, if you don't get much service at all, than it should be an easy choice to make.
Can you use data and voice if you are on WiFi, for a CDMA network? I never really checked, but I don't see why not, in theory. Besides hotspots, when is this really used though? Perhaps because I didn't have the option on Sprint until 4G came along, I never thought about it, but I'm not sure of when I truly needed…
@Misfit110: That's kind of what I meant, strong/intimidating, couldn't really think of a good way to say it.
@Jade9778: I think plenty of AT&T users want that, its like a speed boost for free, but I don't think AT&T was too sad about all the complaints while raking in all that Apple money.
No matter what they do, if they don't have Colin Farrell killing somebody while screaming "Screw you!" with a really strong accent, I'll be disappointed.
@Jus in delicious.: Fair enough, I do admit liking/dislinking the controller is subjective (personally I thought it was too big, I do like the 360 controller, which is a happy medium), what I really hated about the Dreamcast controller was the wire came out the back, it was odd looking, and I always felt I had the…
"Right-penised"? for some reason that reminds me a baseball. As though, there are a few "Left-penised" earwigs out there who keep getting jobs in the rotation despite being mediocre, just because lefties are so rare.
I can't fault putting the PS2 on instead of the PS1, as that's where it really took off.
@iamzombie: Well, first off, Uncharted, its worth getting a PS3 for.
I'm a positive person, I don't look at this news and say "Oh No! Mark Wahlberg is going to be in Uncharted." I look at it and say, "Oh yay! Hugh Jackman isn't going to be in Uncharted!"
@Rutty14: The first Tomb Raider was a success, financially at least. Honestly, I've never seen it, nor have I ever played the game (or any iteration), so I can't comment if it was a "good" adaptation or not.
"Iwata did not deny that legal action was a reason for the warnings — though, he stated it was not the main reason"
The thing that makes me believe the Batman script is wrong (or at least soon to be edited heavily) is that is seems like it leaves some things hanging for future Batman films. And while I'm sure they'll keep making movies, this is Nolan's last one, right? I can't imagine he'd spend too much time setting up the next…
I'm not sure if its the way that photo is, but it looks like there is upside down stairs on the right side of the photo. Its giving me veritgo.
I'm thirty, and growing up I knew 8 Track players and other "tech" my parents used.
@Joshua Bardwell: So..., if a mugger pulls a gun on me, I shouldn't feel invincible because I have Evo in my jacket pocket?
Sounds great, until other people start complaining that Sony, or whoever, is ripping off customers by tricking them into buying an old game by dressing it up as new.
Good, but then again, Shepard should be pretty easy, just draw whatever you want, and if anybody says he/she doesn't look like that, just say, well, mine did!