
@jjreilly1: Hmm, haven't heard that, no problems for me (paid version). I guess you got a fix already, but could you open the settings, go to manage applications, open Launcher Pro, then tap "Clear Defaults" to get the option of choosing whatever home your phone came with? Then go to the Market that way to update?

@Master_Soda: You can download ADW Launcher themes. I'm not sure if you can for Launcher Pro, but I sure see a lot more for ADW.

@aquaclear: Exactly, I love Sense, but Sense's big drawback IMO is the lack of a good dock. To me, LauncherPro is worth it just for the customizable dock (and resizing widgets is great, though I could live without it).

I use LauncherPro on my EVO. And even though Sense is generally considered a pretty good skin, LauncherPro was worth it just because I love having a dock. My only complaint about Sense is that I'd rather have a dock with text, email, internet, etc. than just having Phone, App Drawer and Add.

@mricyfire: Not sure about this one, but a lot of times, if an app is made in another country, and is priced with that country's currency, the app market converts the currency into US dollars. So this app may be 3 pounds, and the market converts it to $3.34 etc.

Well, I suck at the online play, so even if I bought this game used, its unlikely I'd ever have to buy the online pass, since odds are I wouldn't advance past level 5 with it anyway.

Well, if that is a true Robert Dinero page, its just been phoning it in for the last few years anyway.

Wouldn't that need to be pretty tight around your neck so it wouldn't wobble at all?

I just have one problem with what he says:

The Crab Meat is just to throw off the Wii-Sniffing dogs that many retail chains employ nowadays.

@LeonJoe: Okay, I know there were problems when one of the phones (don't remember if it was the 3G or 3GS) basically not working on the newest update, and that many people who didn't update right away suggested to not update. I wasn't aware if those problems were fixed, and I was thinking if they weren't, and you

@epikfail: Growing up, we'd play whiffle ball in the streets, every so often somebody would yell "CAR!" and we'd all move the the side of the road.

If you buy a "new" 3GS, does it come with the updated iOS? And does it still bog it down (or was that the 3G that became basically useless on iOS4?)?

"Dr. Steve, your nose is all stuffed up, have you been doing coke?"

@bowen13: It would finally explain why some zombies just stumble around while others are really fast. Dawn of the Dead had straight-edge zombies, while Resident Evil had coked out ones.

AT&T finally getting some quality Androids (Captivate notwithstanding). I'm sure this will help the "loss of iPhone exclusivity" rumors plenty.

@RsK: I think the Droid X is 4.3, but there's other dimensions that matter too. The Droid X and Evo are both 4.3, but the Droid is slightly taller and slimmer, and the Evo is slightly wider. For my hands, the EVO felt fine, while the X felt too big, but on the forums, there are plenty people who have the opposite

Eh, I don't know. I'm sure the AOA knows what they are talking about, but I doubt Nintendo made their statement without having doctors do a study, with the actual hardware and not basing the opinion off of "3D in general"

For new games, I generally get them from wherever, usually Amazon, but sometimes Best Buy if they have a good deal.